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Sixth grade curriculum


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So over the pas few weeks I've been trying to put together a better curriculum for my daughter. I think I finally have most of it.


Language Arts: WWS, KISS Grammar (maybe), MBTP lit units (maybe), AAS


History: HO: Ancients level 2, All American History part 2 (finishing off)


Science: ClassiQuest Biology


Math: LoF: Pre-al biology and Pre-al economics (possible supplementing)


Typing: Typing Instructor v20


Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone Japanese


Fine Arts: Artistic Pursuits Book 1 4-6 (maybe start book 2) and Meet the Great Composers


So what do you all think? Suggestions?

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So over the pas few weeks I've been trying to put together a better curriculum for my daughter. I think I finally have most of it.


Language Arts: WWS, KISS Grammar (maybe), MBTP lit units (maybe), AAS


History: HO: Ancients level 2, All American History part 2 (finishing off)


Science: ClassiQuest Biology


Math: LoF: Pre-al biology and Pre-al economics (possible supplementing)


Typing: Typing Instructor v20


Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone Japanese


Fine Arts: Artistic Pursuits Book 1 4-6 (maybe start book 2) and Meet the Great Composers


So what do you all think? Suggestions?


I was just posting to your other thread, but I think this plan looks great!


I haven't used MBTP--I have a hard time figuring out their website. Just to throw another option at you ;), have you looked at Classical House of Learning? It's a free literature guide that follows the 4-year cycle.


AAS might be too easy for your dd, unless she really struggles with spelling. I had a friend last year that started her 6th grader in AAS, and she had to drop it because it moved too slowly for him. I don't think she's doing anything formal for spelling anymore. I'm not using anything for my dd, I'm just trying to keep track of words that she misspells in her writing and then go over them with her. But spelling comes pretty naturally for her, and we only have a word or two every few weeks.


Anyway, I think this is a good plan, just ease into it and don't try to start all of it at once.

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