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Good news regarding managing my bi-polar meds, moods and insomnia.

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Hopefully helpful for others who are also having a hard time finding balance. I have had a very hard time finding and maintaining balance since my mother passed away almost four years ago. Several manic phases, a couple mild depressive phases and a few mixed phases. I am a rapid cycler and I have been suffering from unrelenting insomnia that we haven't been able to get under control. When you throw in the chronic pain, I am constantly in a negative spiral of pain, no sleep, whacked moods.


About 6 weeks ago I started a mixed phase that was so severe it was effecting not only my children but my hubby as well who is usually pretty mellow about these things and usually takes them in stride. It had reached the point where I didn't want to leave my room much less the house. I was extremely anxious about driving. Just being around people was sensory overload and having to interact with them was almost unbearable.


So hubby has been taking me in to see the pdoc (I usually go by myself). She immediately realized that things were more severe and took action to get me back on the right track. First of all we did some serious medication adjustment. I used to take my Lamictal in the mornings but just recently I wass researching all of my meds again and I ran across a rare side effect that causes extreme fagtigue and sleepiness but complete inability to sleep. This was exactly my problem. So we moved the Lamictal to the morning. We raised my Seroquel from 25 mg. per night to currently 100 per night. Increased my Ambien to 20 mg. per night and prescribed Xanax and Restoril for if/and or when I wake up in the middle of the night and need to get back to sleep. I take the Xanax if I have to wake within the next few hours or the Restoril if I can sleep in late.


She also implemented a strict sleep regiment. I am to be in bed by 11:00 pm every evening and get up at 5:00 am to get the girls off to school. Normally I would go back to bed once they were off to try and get more sleep. She has asked me to put that off and try to stay away for a few more hours doing peaceful, relaxing things - read, watch calm tv, read the board, crochet, etc. Then if I am still sleepy around 1:00 I can take a nap then. This is absolutely working miracles for me. I am suddenly sleeping at least six hours per night for the first time in years. I am pretty much awake and not terribly tired during the day. My mood has improved dramatically and my appetite which has been non-existant for years has suddenly resurfaced (and I am eating healthy food). I am gaining a bit of weight but my hubby is happy with it as I have been underweight for awhile.


I also have specific assignments like going for a drive by myself once a week and then also going out in a group once a week. These are rough but I am managing. I can believe what small changes made such significant difference. I have more energy, better moods, better, more optomistic outlook and I am feeling the ability to deal with whatever adversities come our way. I really do hope this holds. I just wanted to post this so that any other bi-polars who aren't quite where they want to be, may consider talking to there dr.s about making some small changes like these to see if it helps for them as well.

Edited by KidsHappen
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I have one dd with rapid cycling Bipolar 1 and one with a Mood Disorder NOS (likely mild bp). It has taken us a long time to get the one dd stable but wow it is nice to have stability. Her "cocktail" is Lamictal, Risperdal, and Keppra along with other meds for other medical stuff.


Little med tweaks can help.


Also good for your for getting the help you need and taking dh with you to your appointment.

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