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What vacuum cleaner do we need?

Guest Ottime

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So, my wife and I are completely ignorant when it comes to vacuum cleaners. We have survived over the years with a small Shark. But a number of things have changed.


Our son is now six months old. So he is out and about the house. And we recently bought a number of wool rugs (say 8-10 months ago) for him to have a cozy surface. But they are still shedding, and catch a lot of grime.


The Shark hardly works on the hard wood, but that was not an issue before. A little sweeping, swiffing and our willingness to have dust bunnies made it not an issue. But now, we are in need of a better vacuum, but have no idea what we need. I went to Sears yesterday, but the saleman I spoke with was really no help at all.


We live in a small home. About 900 square feet. All hard wood, except linoleum in the kitchen and bath. We have three wool rugs (2 tight woven, one medium). No pets. No stairs.


We want to buy something that will work, but not break the bank. Hoping we do not need the $500 does-everything vacuum the saleman showed me yesterday. Any help is appreciated.

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