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For those that use FAM or NFP....(tmi!)

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So, I normally ovulate around day 14, give or take, often even day 15, but not earlier than day 13. Well, this month I very clearly had wet cervical mucus starting on day 9. I had horrible ovary type pain on day 11 (I think I've got cystic ovaries...i typically have pain for a day or two prior to ovulation) and then very stretchy, couldn't get it to break eggwhite cervical mucus on day 12, then starting to dry up right after that. Yesterday barely any, definitely more the sticky/creamy and NOT wet/eggwhite. So I have myself ovulating around day 12....and since there was no cervical mucus to speak of we had unprotected s*x yesterday evening...which I now realize was day 14. I didn't think much of it, since there was no eggwhite mucus, but Fertility Friend says I'm "highly fertile" still! All of a sudden I'm nervous, and having pain similar to ovulation pain on my left side. Maybe it's gas pain? I had a whole bag of veggies last night.....maybe the pain is from that? I'm not going to get pregnant, right? RIGHT?? I mean, it would of course be a blessing, but I'm still nursing my toddler, and really out of shape and overweight. We are talking about trying next year some time, after I get back in shape a bit and lose some weight....I'm obese currently.


I don't have to worry, right? (worry/hope....it would half and half probably) Oh, and I don't temp because the toddler still gets up during the night, and I never get up at the same time in the morning.

Edited by ktgrok
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We always wait 3 full days after my peak day, because that is what we were told to do, and i really don't want to get pregnant. Perhaps you should contact your advisor?


probably, lol. It has been 11 years or more. oops! Plus it wouldn't be a tragedy if we concieved, so I am being a bit lax I guess.

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oh my, REALLY??? I think I need to study up again......I had in my head that non fertile mucus means no baby...but maybe that was wishful thinking. Last night was fun, and I'm glad we did it, but oh my....no one tell my husband! He will FLIP OUT! And I am not physically where I should be to get pregnant. But...a tiny part of me does think it would be fun to have my dd open a "big sister" t shirt on christmas morning, to announce it to the family :)

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