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I'm trying to decide if I should have dd's speech evaluated by the PS...

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She's 5 yrs old and her biggest issues are the "th" and the "ck" sounds. She also sometimes drops the "r" sound. ALSO, she says things wrong. Example, she'd say..."they bringed the cat to the vet" instead of "they brought the cat to the vet" OR "they maked that?" instead of "they made that?".


I was hoping it would straighten itself out, but I've been working with correcting her often lately and while she's made a tiny bit of progress, I'm not sure if it's enough.


Is this something that I can work with over time at home or do I need to being her to the local ps to have her evaluated. I REALLY don't want the second option for a few reasons. I don't want the ps system in our lives and I'd have to bring the other kids with most of the time.


Thoughts:confused:? Thanks.

Edited by mama2cntrykids
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The "bringed / maked" is developmentally normal and doesn't have to be corrected. You might want to repeat the correct form when speaking back to her, but if she is sensitive to being corrected, I'd skip even that.


The other things I'm not sure of. DS just turned 6 and is having troulbe with the 's' vs. 'sh' sound. I started doing exercises with him, so he is more focused on the way his tongue works. He is doing a touch better (when focused) after about three five minute sessions.

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Don't take her to the PS to get evaluated. These are minor issues, fairly age-appropriate. I do think you should correct her, though, for those irregular verbs. She's basically applying the past tense rule to everything. Super Duper Inc. has some Fun Decks on irregular verbs and regular verbs (past tense) that might be helpful. For working on "th" and "ck" and such at home, Super Duper also has a bunch of materials for those. Here is what I found when I searched for "th": "Say and Do TH Action Artic Cards," "Say and Do TH Artic Bingo," "Say and Do TH Worksheets." They have similar materials on "r" and "k."



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Don't take her to the PS to get evaluated. These are minor issues, fairly age-appropriate. I do think you should correct her, though, for those irregular verbs. She's basically applying the past tense rule to everything. Super Duper Inc. has some Fun Decks on irregular verbs and regular verbs (past tense) that might be helpful. For working on "th" and "ck" and such at home, Super Duper also has a bunch of materials for those. Here is what I found when I searched for "th": "Say and Do TH Action Artic Cards," "Say and Do TH Artic Bingo," "Say and Do TH Worksheets." They have similar materials on "r" and "k."



Thank you for the info and for the link. I will check it out.


This chart will show you when certain sounds are formed developmentally. The /r/ sounds and the /th/ sounds are not usually formed by 5 years old. Our public school will not even evaluate a child that young for those sounds because of that.

Thanks for the chart.


My youngest ds was evaluated and he didn't need services, but I think dd has more problems than he did. He has outgrown a lot of his issues now, I'm hoping with my help, she will overcome too.

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My dd5 speaks very clearly and well, but still says "maked" and things like that and says "insterrested" instead of interested. I think it's developmental. I remember saying "chimley" for a long time until, I think, I began to spell and realized it was incorrect.


I wasn't really concerned until it came down to reading. She's having trouble with "the" and with counting three or thirty-whatever.


That PLUS I over heard one of her five year old friends telling her that she has a hard time understanding what she says sometimes. It made me feel really badly for dd.

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There are CDs called Speechercise that we used with my younger dd. They're silly sounds to exercise mouth/tongue muscles & coordination. We played them in the car and all sang along, so it wasn't singling her out. I think I got them from Rainbow Resource.


Same dd also did some therapy at the ps, but it was more serious than what you're describing (referred by her doctor for being delayed). She was almost 4 when she started, and went for about a year. I was glad we were able to end before she was official school age, so we didn't have to deal with the homeschooling issues, but I think if I ever did send her to ps there will be a record somewhere saying she had this delay, so now she's labeled in their system.

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