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pinched nerve feel like? I have a pain in my neck that i thought was a pulled muscle since that's what it feels like, but it's going on a week and it's still there. i always think the worst (I won't even tell you what I'm afraid it is). I've heard about pinched nerves but never have had one. I thought i pulled it pulling the manure wagon every day but now we have a brand new tractor for that...i'm wondering if cleaning 2-5 stalls a day would be the problem but i've been doing that for about a year now.

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pinched nerve feel like? I have a pain in my neck that i thought was a pulled muscle since that's what it feels like, but it's going on a week and it's still there. i always think the worst (I won't even tell you what I'm afraid it is). I've heard about pinched nerves but never have had one. I thought i pulled it pulling the manure wagon every day but now we have a brand new tractor for that...i'm wondering if cleaning 2-5 stalls a day would be the problem but i've been doing that for about a year now.


so, go find a chiropractor and get an adjustment. best treatment for pinched nerves. (and we've had some doozy pinched nerves around here, that don't always "present" as a pinched nerve. we were doing testing at the children's hospital for one trying to find out what was wrong. I "just happened" to see a chiro for myself and he figured out ds's problem where a whole slew of MD's were clueless.)


frequently, the motion that is out of alignment doesn't just start in your neck. If you've been shoveling out stalls using one side of the body, it probably starts with your shoulder and includes your back. A bone in my daughter's wrist "popped" out of alingnment one day - she couldn't use it at all. (re: no typing, no writing) she was at school and doing PT, muscle relaxants, etc. nothing helped. she came home on break, and dh insisted I take her to an orthopedist. he told her to rest it. for four months. I took her to my chiro (trained to do extremities as well.) - the adjustment started with her wrist, but included elbow, shoulder, neck, and back. incidently, she had 95% return of function (it was pretty sore still) immediately afterwards.

Edited by gardenmom5
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