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McRuffy Math Question


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I use the math program with my first grader and for me it is easier to have the manipulatives right there, but it could be doable without- depends on what you already have. And I have used the manipulatives quite a bit- several times a week so you will get good use out of it. Having the base ten blocks, clock, geoboard, tangrams and pattern blocks as well as the one inch cubes have been nice to have but the animal counters and color chips would be easy to use what you have- like beans; dice you probably have. So I think it comes down to personal preference. HTH

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We use McRuffy as one component of our math program. It is great for fun activities that teach concepts clearly. There isn't a lot of practice, though.


I think the teacher's resource packet and the extra manipulatives that are both sold separately are worth the expense. It is completely open and go if you have all three components - the teacher guide and resource pack, the manipulatives materials and the workbook.

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Yes it is possible to do it without. But it is easier to have them on hand. Now I did not buy what they had since I had items that were so close to their items I could not justify buying a whole new set.


I also agree that McRuffy doesn't have much practice. That doesn't make it a bad program. This so coming from a mom who used it from the end of K to almost the end of first (finishing the first grade book) then I decided my little guy needed more practice so we moved to something else then to something else. Well we are waiting on our McRuffy to come back in the mail right now. So, if you feel it needs a bit more add in a something but don't change if it is working. I have learned that one the hard way, but we are getting back on track.

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I may be switching to McRuffy Math for my 1st grader. Is it necessary to purchase the manipulatives, or can I just use things I have around the house?


It's very easy to improvise. You can find a tangram pattern for free online. If you're going to be doing the pattern-work, I'd go ahead and get the 1-inch cubes and centimeter cubes. Other than that, it's easy to substitute.

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Thank you all for your replies. We are currently using Horizons, which I used with my oldest with great success. I just assumed I would stick with Horizons for my youngest, well turns out it moves a little too fast for her and is just not a good fit. She could really use a little more hands on, which is what I love about McRuffy. I think Horizons might also be about a grade level ahead, McRuffy may be more on level for her.


2 years ago when my older one was in public school I used Horizons for after school as the math he was getting was not great; I continued for second grade and right away it was not a good fit- too many problems, etc. and not enough hands-on activities. I am learning too each child in one household may be different and need a different curr.- so I found McRuffy and decided to go with it for my younger one as well- and I am impressed how nicely she is coming along. Also to mention for my youngest she has not needed any added practice- but again each child will be different! Good luck and enjoy- it's been a great hit here!

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