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Question about antibiotics and stitches.

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Moose got himself two stitches in his chin yesterday. The urgent care doc gave us an antibiotics script "So that it doesn't get infected."


Last year when the same boy got stitches at the ER, there was no mention of antibiotics.


The wound was not particularly dirty, and doc cleaned it before stitching.


I'm inclined to just keep an eye on it, and if it's looking red/inflammed/infected, THEN fill the abx script. I don't like the idea of abx 'just in case'. But I'm not sure, because it's on his FACE, and I'd hate for it to scar more than necessary because it got infected. However, the stitches he got last year were above his lip, so also on his face, and like I said, no mention of abx then.


What would you do?


(And can I just say, this reckless little boy with stitches twice already at the age of five is giving me gray hair. :tongue_smilie:)

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