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I really hate to bring this up because I know how controversial it is, & I'd prefer to just be quiet & not say anything that lets anyone know where we stand on it.


But I have a problem.


So we circumcise. Our 1st 2 were circ'd by a mohel in TX--natural, low-key, no anesthesia. That's the way I'd prefer to do it this time, but I could only find 2 mohels here & only one of those returned my phone call. He charges $400; the one in TX charged $200.


I was referred (by friends) to a couple of pediatricians who do circs in their office, but again--my phone calls were not returned. I assume this is at least as expensive as a mohel, though.


So we went w/ the hospital option--prepaid about $250. BUT since ds was transferred to the Children's hospital downtown, the circ never happened. The dr there amazed me--besides care for his intestinal issues, she took the initiative to call my local hospital & make arrangements for us to bring ds back for his circ w/out paying an additional outpatient fee.


I called the hospital to set up a time to have this done, & I was referred to the dr's private practice--to see when he was on or if he'd prefer to do it in his office. His office called my mw to work out arrangements. Mw called me back today to say that they can't do it at all--at a week old, he's too old for the hospital procedure.


1. Please assume the circ as a necessary thing--obviously I'm a little panicked at this point, since I preferred an out-of-hospital circ & couldn't find someone to do it. Trying again w/ the clock ticking--I'd hate for him to be TOO much older when it happens--is rather overwhelming. And I don't imagine it will be cheap.


2. The original payment will be refunded, but it takes 6 weeks to process. I explained to the lady that we need the $$ to pay someone else, that $250 is about a week's pay for us right now. She said she'd do what she could to rush it, but...even that doesn't sound like it would be enough faster to make a difference.


I'm really frustrated. I don't know that there's anything anyone can DO, but I feel so stuck. If I could afford it, I'd fly home & have him circ'd there. W/ the added benefit of family getting to see the baby. :tongue_smilie:


I'll take ideas or just commiseration. But please--if you're against circumcision, could you say so on a different thread? I'd appreciate it so much. Thank you.

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Here, they do it up to 2 wks old.


My brother is having a heck of a time...his son was born with serious heart issues, and had 2 open heart surgeries. He couldn't be done, b/c it could have caused him to have a heart attack. He wasn't allowed to cry at all before his last surgery, or he'd turn blue.


Now that his heart surgeries are done, he's 5, 6 mths old...and *nobody* is willing to circ him that they've been able to find. 'Too old'. Here in my city, its $200. Where my brother is, they wanted $400-$800, and that was at the 2 wk limit! Crazy!


I'd be making some frantic calls to ensure that you get this done before the 2 wk mark, as (here, anyways) that seems to be the magic age.

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Are they saying he is too old for THEIR hospital to do it, or too old for any hospital? Asking because I know several children who were preemies or had other health concerns who got circumsized at the hospital much later than 1 week old- I'm talking 15 months to 3 years.


I'd look into this too. If it's not a possibility, then honestly what I'd do is find a zero annual fee, zero percentage rate credit card. Then I'd charge it, repay it when I get the hospital reimbursement and then cancel the credit card. We don't do credit (we have no debt besides our house) but in this situation, I'd make an exception.


ETA: Or I'd see if I could borrow from a relative and repay after the refund.

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Are they saying he is too old for THEIR hospital to do it, or too old for any hospital? Asking because I know several children who were preemies or had other health concerns who got circumsized at the hospital much later than 1 week old- I'm talking 15 months to 3 years.


I don't know--they all say something different. I think he's too old for an OB to do it & will have to see a pediatric urologist now.

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Are they saying he is too old for THEIR hospital to do it, or too old for any hospital? Asking because I know several children who were preemies or had other health concerns who got circumsized at the hospital much later than 1 week old- I'm talking 15 months to 3 years.


I was wondering the same thing. Surely there are a lot of babies who are in icu or something for a long time...when do they get it done then? A week old is too old?? Isn't it often done about that time.....8 days?? That's when the vitamin K is the highest. If a week old is too old, when do they do it?? If I remember correctly, our son was 8 days. I'm sorry you are going through all this hassle. Why can't everything just be easy....especially right after you've just given birth. :grouphug:

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Have you called all the synagogues within driving distance. I'd consider driving distance to be up to 4 hours if it was something really important. Maybe someone there could hook you up with the correct person.


If I remember correctly in the Jewish tradition circ is done on (about) the 8th day

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My OB circ'd my sons at 4 weeks old and 3 weeks old. They were both premature. They weren't circ'd until a day or so before they were discharged from the hospital. My second son was actually circ'd at the OB's office because she wasn't able to come do it at the hospital. I had to bring him back to the office a couple days later. Call your OB.

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:grouphug:I don't have an answer for you, but I wanted to tell you that I completely understand how you are feeling about wanting to get it done in a timely manner.


We were living in the UK when youngest ds was born. Circumcision was not done in the hospital he was born, so we had to find a private hospital about an 1 1/2 hr train ride from where we were living. He was almost 2 weeks old when we had it done. Everything turned out okay. We didn't have the same problem with the cost as you do, because we had private insurance that covered it.


I hope everything turns out okay. :grouphug:

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I'd look into this too. If it's not a possibility, then honestly what I'd do is find a zero annual fee, zero percentage rate credit card. Then I'd charge it, repay it when I get the hospital reimbursement and then cancel the credit card. We don't do credit (we have no debt besides our house) but in this situation, I'd make an exception.


ETA: Or I'd see if I could borrow from a relative and repay after the refund.


We'll figure it out, I'm just frustrated. W/ dh's income, I doubt we'd be approved for a cc, but family would help if we needed it, & we've got some $ saved for a van right now. I'm just FRUSTRATED that I keep being told something different. I *feel* taken advantage of, even if that's not actually the case. *sigh* It really shouldn't be this hard! :tongue_smilie:

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Have you called all the synagogues within driving distance. I'd consider driving distance to be up to 4 hours if it was something really important. Maybe someone there could hook you up with the correct person.


If I remember correctly in the Jewish tradition circ is done on (about) the 8th day


Yes, & I actually preferred to wait until about a week. I've called, googled, even called the mohel who did our previous circs. The only guy he knew here has gone back to Israel.

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My OB circ'd my sons at 4 weeks old and 3 weeks old. They were both premature. They weren't circ'd until a day or so before they were discharged from the hospital. My second son was actually circ'd at the OB's office because she wasn't able to come do it at the hospital. I had to bring him back to the office a couple days later. Call your OB.


I just got off the phone w/ my OB (mw). They're the ones who've said they don't know what to tell me & maybe the pediatrician will know. What a run-around!

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I don't know--they all say something different. I think he's too old for an OB to do it & will have to see a pediatric urologist now.


Both my sons were born early and could not get the procedure at the hospital. They had it done at the OB office when they were two weeks old. I would call around and see if anyone would be willing to do the procedure.

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I don't know--they all say something different. I think he's too old for an OB to do it & will have to see a pediatric urologist now.


Ideally it is done between 8-10 days old.


I highly recommend using a ped urologist. Here it would cost no more the $250, more likely $150.

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Can you do a payment plan at an office if that is the only way left? Explain the situation, put a down payment and pay the rest when your funds are returned from the hospital?


Most doctors should be pretty experienced with patients not being able to pay everything upfront.


Alternatively, do you have any low-income clinics or anything of the sort that might see you?

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Have you called all the synagogues within driving distance. I'd consider driving distance to be up to 4 hours if it was something really important. Maybe someone there could hook you up with the correct person.


If I remember correctly in the Jewish tradition circ is done on (about) the 8th day


If I circumcised children, I would do this. I would also try going to the $400 rabbi and asking him to allow you to make payments over time. Perhaps he didn't understand the financial situation.


If your others were circumcised by a mohel you might be in for a shock if you take Levi to a hospital. It isn't the same procedure at all. You said you didn't want debate or controversy, but I have to mention this difference in case you didn't know. Please do your research.

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W/ds#3 we had a homebirth. After the birth, when we knew he was a boy, I made an appointment for the circ with a urologist. It may have been a pediatric urologist in a larger urology practice. I think he was 2-3 weeks when we went to the appointment. I don't know how much it cost, we had medicaid.

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If I circumcised children, I would do this. I would also try going to the $400 rabbi and asking him to allow you to make payments over time. Perhaps he didn't understand the financial situation.


If your others were circumcised by a mohel you might be in for a shock if you take Levi to a hospital. It isn't the same procedure at all. You said you didn't want debate or controversy, but I have to mention this difference in case you didn't know. Please do your research.


Oh, I don't consider the heads-up about the hospital controversy--I know I'm not likely to feel the same about that procedure as the mohel.

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We don't circ, but looked into it. My pediatrician said "Never do it in a pediatricians office. It is a scary thing because they don't use any anesthesia. Go to a urologist and make sure they numb that baby."


So... with that in mind I would call local urologists and see what they say.


ETA: Dang. Just saw your update.

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My almost 8yr old ds was a preemie and the hospital would not do the circ because his primary physician wasn't a rounding doctor there. We were told to have his primary physician do the circ. He was in NICU for 2 1/2 weeks so he would have been around 3 weeks when it was done. We had Medical Assistance and it paid for it.


Wish I had more advice/ideas to offer you.

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We don't circ, but looked into it. My pediatrician said "Never do it in a pediatricians office. It is a scary thing because they don't use any anesthesia. Go to a urologist and make sure they numb that baby."


So... with that in mind I would call local urologists and see what they say.


ETA: Dang. Just saw your update.

Ped we're seeing uses anesthesia.

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I don't know--they all say something different. I think he's too old for an OB to do it & will have to see a pediatric urologist now.


We've circumcised all our boys, and all at anywhere from 8 -10 days after birth. I do remember once being told that if it was more than 2 weeks after the birth, they'd handle it differently.


Once was with a midwife with lots of experience, once with a pediatrician at the hospital (but still going back at 10 days), once at a pediatric urologists' office and once at a pediatrician in his office. So, I'd think you should have lots of options if you hurry, despite the original plans falling through.


Incidentally, the pediatric urologist was the smoothest and easiest experience of the four.

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One of my ds was 7 months when we did it (not that that helps you). It was actually done by hos uncle who is an eye and ear doctor and was under full anesthesia.


Just wanted you to know that the baby will be fine even if older.


That said, what a jerk if true the doctor won't do it. I would myself go to their office or at the least call again and speak to someone else if not the doctor himself. I have been denied the care I wanted by stupid nurses (and it once could have cost dd her life). It could be the nurse is completely incompetent and answering out of turn. It could also be that the darn doctor would feel some shame if you made a scene in his office. At least to refund you the money.

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I'm really frustrated. I don't know that there's anything anyone can DO, but I feel so stuck. If I could afford it, I'd fly home & have him circ'd there. W/ the added benefit of family getting to see the baby. :tongue_smilie:


I'll take ideas or just commiseration. But please--if you're against circumcision, could you say so on a different thread? I'd appreciate it so much. Thank you.


My ds was suppose to be circumcised in the hospital tool; there was a slight problem so it didn't happen. Pediatrician did it in her office when he was 3 weeks. We had insurance so I have zero idea how much it cost...besides been almost 12 years now.


When it can't be done in the hospital there are often issues like you are facing. :(

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If you have insurance, they will likely cover it.


Keep calling.


Or just drive to Oklahoma and I'll give you a list.:)


Oh and call around to peds. My pediatrician does it. With our last baby, he had dh meet him at the hospital and they went to the nursery and did it with anisthetic there. No problems.


Where in TX are you? I have fam and friends down there. I could ask them for references if they have any to rec.

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Mw called me back today to say that they can't do it at all--at a week old, he's too old for the hospital procedure.


Our kid's doctor is a GP and does circumcisions at the hospital, but she will not do it until baby is at least a week old.

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Ped urologist: (just got off the phone) $500 & a 6mo wait. And the snippy attitude. Just for laughs. :glare:


That would allow you time to save up the $$.


Since it is important to you, I would make the appt with the ped. urologist. If you find an alternative before then, you can cancel the appt.


If you don't find an alternative, you can save up the $$ in the 6 mos. (Just another $350 after your refund from the pre-payment.)

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I almost had that happen w/ ds too! He couldn't get to the ped till just over a week old, since there was a huge ice storm at the time, and the DR was closed.. The Dr. was really nice & went ahead anyway for me, and yes, he did use anesth. I think it was a decision he was comfortable making since he is the practice owner/original Dr.



I would probably try to talk to the Dr who helped you originally, not her office staff, she may be the one who can decide to go ahead anyway.


Also, maybe ask your Family doctor if they have any recommendations... They may know who can help y'all out.

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...If it's not a possibility, then honestly what I'd do is find a zero annual fee, zero percentage rate credit card. Then I'd charge it, repay it when I get the hospital reimbursement and then cancel the credit card. We don't do credit (we have no debt besides our house) but in this situation, I'd make an exception.


ETA: Or I'd see if I could borrow from a relative and repay after the refund.


We don't circ, but if we did, no way would I go into debt for it.

If money was tight, I would save the debt options for serious emergencies only, even in a "well, theoretically the money will be coming in soon..." scenario.

I'd wait until I had the money in hand.

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That would allow you time to save up the $$.


Since it is important to you, I would make the appt with the ped. urologist. If you find an alternative before then, you can cancel the appt.


If you don't find an alternative, you can save up the $$ in the 6 mos. (Just another $350 after your refund from the pre-payment.)



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Why in the world would anything need to be cut off a little girl? That is horrible. I also worked in a nursing home and the poor guys who never had this done as elderly men they suffered from it. Nasty infections the skin pulling cath tubes.


I worked med/surg and never had a problem with an intact man. No more than the usual gunk around catheters for circ'd and uncirc'd both, but never an uncircumcised problem. Look up FGM and you'll see lots of excuses about "why" it's needed, just like with male circumcision.

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I don't think she is Jewish! But now I'm curious.


Also curious PP and to whomever else might know, how is the procedure different from a Mohel vs. doctor?


Huh -I guess I always thought that mohels were usually only hired to do a Brit Milah, and not hired just for normal circumcisions - but I may be showing my ignorance here :)

Sorry, again, if I'm wrong :)

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