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Question about working out ...

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So let's say that you're 30 years old and twenty pounds overweight. You need to lose the weight because you're sad about how you look and the only pants you have to wear are pajama pants and that makes your DH very sad (and not want to be seen with you at the grocery store).


How would you start? What would you do tomorrow? What about the next day? I've used Sparkspeople in the past and can do that again. I can cook healthy. I detest working out though but I have to. I just have to do it. Is there anyway I can make it fun. It's getting cold out where I live but I can hike, would that count as working out? I'm getting so desperate that I might breakdown and join a Curves or something but I don't have a lot of cash to invest in something like that right now.

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So let's say that you're 30 years old and twenty pounds overweight. You need to lose the weight because you're sad about how you look and the only pants you have to wear are pajama pants and that makes your DH very sad (and not want to be seen with you at the grocery store).


How would you start? What would you do tomorrow? What about the next day? I've used Sparkspeople in the past and can do that again. I can cook healthy. I detest working out though but I have to. I just have to do it. Is there anyway I can make it fun. It's getting cold out where I live but I can hike, would that count as working out? I'm getting so desperate that I might breakdown and join a Curves or something but I don't have a lot of cash to invest in something like that right now.


Buy a pair of jeans that fit well.... you'll feel better than in sweats. I love Curves. Very social and a great workout. Cheaper than a regular gym.

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You don't have to lose weight to lose the pajama pants. They do make nice pants for 30yo women who are 20 lbs. overweight. I get mine at the thrift store for a couple of bucks. I'm just throwing that out there because some seasons of life it is just easier to buy the bigger pants than worry with weight loss. :001_smile:


As far as losing weight, I also despise exercising. I have very good results with counting calories. (not everyone does, apparently) But since I do that is where I start. Get a kitchen scale to weigh your portions and write everything down in a notebook you keep in the kitchen specifically for that purpose, with a calculator.


There are free online sites that can help you guesstimate how many calories you should aim for each day depending on age, activity level, height, weight, etc.


I lost 30 pounds this year and did not exercise at all or eat healthy. I didn't eat low carb or low fat or high protein. I ate what I wanted to eat and stopped eating when I'd eaten my quota for the day. It worked like a charm, and I'm closer to 40 years than 30. :tongue_smilie: I hear calorie-counting doesn't work for everybody though. Good luck

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Find something you enjoy doing. I never was in good shape until I started karate and kickboxing. I love going and am happy to work out 4 or 5 times a week now.


And yes, hiking counts as exercise and will definitely help you lose weight. Also, I agree with pp, you can lose the pajama pants without losing weight.

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I am about 15 lbs more than I want to weigh. My BMI hovers between 24-25, which just squeaks by as "normal weight". But I *feel* overweight.


The two things that have helped me most are recording what I eat and working out. I like websites like fitday or Lose It for recording weight loss and food. I find if I really want to lose weight, I have to be obsessive about it. I have to weigh myself daily and count everything I eat and every exercise I do. Counting calories works for me because it allows me to make a choice about what I eat... I could eat the ice cream, but I'll need to reduce my calories for dinner... I could drink the wine, but I'll need to exercise for thirty minutes to justify it. Sometimes it's worth it, sometimes not.


The second thing I do is enroll in an aerobics class. I can't work out alone. I truly need accountability. I need a social setting where I can't just stop after 20 minutes... I need the social pressure to keep going. Right now I'm doing spin classes, but I've done step or kickboxing or high impact aerobics and they all get the job done.

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Buy something that looks great on you now.




Take a class. What interests you? Water aerobics? Tai Chi? Brisk walks? If you're not consistent enough to do something regularly on your own, then sign up for a weekly class. I recommend a beginning bellydance session :-) It starts gently, is kind to all body types, and it's fun. I've seen too many women lose weight, shape up, and learn to love the body they have right now to NOT recommend it. There's just something about dance that feeds your body and soul.


OH, and eat more plants.


That's a start :-)

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For me it is all about the boredom factor. I HATE the treadmill or even going for a walk if I don't have something great to occupy my mind. If I could walk with a book and not kill myself I could walk for hours! So, I have started downloading books and recordings that I love to listen to. It makes the time pass so fast! For example, (ok - this might be nerdy but whatever) I love the old radio broadcasts from the 40's and 50's especially the mystery and crime shows! I found a website that has them and I download a few a day to my phone. Then I am good to go for a long walk with some entertainment as well!

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If you hike fast it definitely counts. I walk fast enough that my breathing gets fast and I get sweaty.


I think that diets can work if you find something that fits with your personality: some do well with an all-or-nothing diet (you may only eat protein; you may only eat veg), others are better off counting calories and saving up treats for themselves, others can do it by just switching to smaller plates.


Good luck!



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