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Will we ever leave Egypt? SOTW


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Have any of your kids run into something in SOTW and just sort of parked it in one particular part?


The kid is having more fun and engagement with Egypt, and far beyond the SOTW outline. I think we've been "in" Egypt for about six weeks...and she's showing no signs of wanting to leave but just go deeper and deeper.


It's like she's studying a family tree or something..


Anyone else out there run into something like this?


I'm okay with staying with her interests as long as it stays strong.

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My ds loved Egypt as well. There are just so many great Netflix docs and supplementary materials to be found on Egypt. It's easy for a kid to get totally sucked in. I'm was kind of sad to see the Mycenaean chapter since I know that probably means the end of Egypt.


I think your dd and my ds will find just as much to love about Greece and Rome too though. My library has just as many books available on these other two ancient civilizations as it had on Egypt, and I've yet to check out Netflix but I'm sure we'll find a lot there too. I never limit what my kids want to read. I do some required reading, but if my ds wants a book on Egypt I'm certainly not going to say, "No! We're on Greece now!" :)


I think it's completely great that she loves history! I would try to move on with SOTW and if she just hates Greece you could scrap the spine and go back to Egypt, I suppose (but I'd be willing to bet she will fall in love with Greece and Rome also.)

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We left Egypt a year ago...and still haven't left! My DD is STILL obsessed with all things Egypt, half her Christmas list is various Egypt-themed lego sets, she was an Egyptian princess for Halloween...and so on. We did Core 1/2 with a lot of extras last year, and I'm thinking that next year we'll come back and do SOTW just because she still seems so stuck in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, so we might as well spend more time there while she's having fun :).

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We ended up camping out in Egypt for a year.

We are now somewhat 'off-track' with our history, but we enjoyed our time in Egypt so I have no regrets.

We are about to leave Rome and enter the Middle Ages. I already know that DS has a deep interest in this, as he has been running off with school books for the past month.

Thanks to SWB and classical education, my DS knows more about history at the elementary age than DH and I knew after college graduation. :D

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OP, if your daughter loves the intrigue of Egypt, wait 'til you get to Rome. :D

Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Mark Antony, Octavian, oh my!

(Highly recommend this book.)


We were "stuck" in Medieval for three years, and are only now (somewhat) reluctantly moving on.

You have no idea how happy this makes me. :) DD and I loved Ancients, and we're finally, reluctantly, moving on to Medieval. Glad to hear we could end up loving it too!

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My ds loved Egypt as well. There are just so many great Netflix docs and supplementary materials to be found on Egypt.


Oooh, good idea. This is the kind of thing I never think to do. We're in the middle of Egypt right now. Any particular recommendations for an Egypt doc on netflix? TIA.

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Your Egypt is my Rome. I think we stayed there off and on for 4 years. She's finally moved on. I had to keep finding different ways to look at it and approach it to feed her interest because every time I dragged her to some other time or place, she lost interest in history. At least she is interested in something that has a big history.

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try this for netflix: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&key=0AumgWD14ZCPSdGNRQVVjeVotbjcwVlByV3pPS2xJRlE&hl=en_US&gid=0


There's been a million times this last month or so I've thought the very same thing to myself...."I never learned a thing about ancient history until now..."


Teaching your kid is really humbling.


I've been wondering too though..."If I was a kid in Egypt and in school...what would my history class be like?"


Bet the field trips rock. (haha, there's a pun in there!)

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