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Snow!!! (and homeschooling)

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I grew up on the Great Lakes, and have had my fair share of snow. :ack2: But my boys have grown up in Georgia and Mississippi, and haven't really seen much snow. We moved to Washington State this August, and, having heard that it snows more in WA, they've asked daily since October 1, "Is it going to snow today?"


Well, it's snowing today. We've got about an inch on our back porch, so it's not much, but the boys are fascinated! "Can we step in it?" So cute.


Younger DS was at our church's preschool when it started, and since I don't have snow tires yet (:eek:, but DH's paycheck comes through this Friday) I went ahead and picked DS up an hour early. As we were carefully driving home, I thought about how this would be affecting us if we didn't homeschool. I would feel bad about picking him up early because he'd be missing out on his education. I would worry about the safety of my older DS on the bus-ride home. I would worry about school being closed tomorrow. And, as late as the bus would be droping them off, I would be sad that by then it would be too dark for them to get to play outside in their first "real" snow.


I'm still not a fan of snow, but I LOVE homeschooling!

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I get it. I live in upstate NY so we see PLENTY of snow, but starting in September my kids still ask every day when it is going to snow.


I always have a moment of gratitude when we get our first real snow and I can just let the kids go play and play to their heart's content. And I have a second moment of gratitude when they come in rosy cheeked and sit down and do their lessons. We may get a snow morning, but I don't give entire days off from school. Well, if we have a fantastic blizzard I do because I am only human.

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