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two iPod Touches or an iPad to share?

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I'm thinking about Winter Solstice gifts for my boys. Here's are my choices.



Get the 8yo and 11yo each a Touch.



* I can text them when they're away from me.

* They don't have to split time with it.

* This is more easily within my budget.



* I can't possibly get my 6yo something he'll be just as excited about and he'll be jealous.

* Because they'd be living in my boys' pockets, I'd constantly worry about them being lost or stolen.



Get the three boys an iPad to share.



* One stop shopping; Winter Solstice gifts would be over and done.

* This has more educational value.

* It's much harder to lose or steal.

* Better video/photo processing so they can do their movie-making stuff off my iMac.



* We're going to feel the financial stretch.



I'm very strongly leaning towards an iPad. Is there anything else I should consider? Is it possible to get an educators' discount?

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I'd be nervous about such young boys carrying around iPod Touches, too. Especially if you'd let them take the iPods with them when they're out of the house. Have you thought about a refurbished 1st generation iPad? Or is it missing an important feature?



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I would lean towards the ipad to share. I think the idea of one cool gift to share vs. 2 out of the 3 getting something is more workable. Have you checked out the apple store for refurbished ipads? If you don't think they need a camera you can get a refurbished first generation ipad for $399. I'm not sure if where you're located but you might also check craigslist. There are several for sale in my area at a $50 or $100 discount that still have warranties. Most of them are people who decided to buy more memory or upgrade from an ipad to an ipad2.

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No matter what you decide, I highly recommend the Otterbox case. We have both (a Touch and an iPad), and do not worry about our kids using them at all. The Otterbox is very rugged, although it will add thickness to the sleek designs. Ours have been dropped, had drinks spilled on them, etc, and they are just fine. Best money we ever spent.


eta: Obviously, the best case in the world won't help prevent anything from being lost. If that's a serious concern, I'd go with the iPad, because it's larger and if it's being shared, it's less likely to be lost. Also, sign up for the Find my iPod service. It's free, and nice to have when you can't find your iPod/iPad.

Edited by ravinlunachick
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We picked up used iPod Touches, for the kids, for about $60-70 each. At that price, even your 6 year-old could have one and you'd still be spending WAY less than the cost of an iPad. I've found more than enough educational apps to keep them busy.


.....but I understand your worries about them being lost or stolen.

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We picked up used iPod Touches, for the kids, for about $60-70 each. At that price, even your 6 year-old could have one and you'd still be spending WAY less than the cost of an iPad. I've found more than enough educational apps to keep them busy.


.....but I understand your worries about them being lost or stolen.


Where did you get these? :lurk5:

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The texting may not be a benefit of an iPod touch. They could only receive texts when logged onto a wifi connection.


I don't have a touch but I imagine it would be like an iPad with wifi only. No service if you don't have an available network. Also-keep in mind that an iPad doesn't have accounts the way a computer does. It is set up as a single user device. There may be an app to fix that but I haven't checked.


Either way...great gift!

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We got ours on the "Sale" board of a forum where my husband is an active member. Craigslist is also full of iPod Touches for that price.


Hum. I guess I'll have to find a board like that because our CL seems to have used iPod touches going for $150 and I'd much rather pay $190 and get it new with a warranty at that point. :001_huh:

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DH got us an ipad 2 a few months ago for me and the two kids (13yo DS and 15 yo DS). Sharing it between us all has not been a problem and the larger screen allows multiple people to see what is going on at once. The only issue that has come up is some apps, such as SAT Question of the Day, does not allow for different users, so once the question is answered, other users see the answer. Many apps do have multiple users though.


Then we ended up getting iphone s's last month (not touches, but have a lot of the same features)--one for me, one for DH, and one for our older son (15yo). Prior to this we did not have cell phones at all. DS 13 is fine with not getting his own phone as he doesn't really need one now. We plan on getting him one next year though.


DS 15 said he does not like the stress of keeping track of the cell phone. He takes two classes at the public school (the main reason we decided to get cell phones) and he often forgets his phone. The school does have a strict cell phone policy, but I really want him to have a phone on him since I pick him up and sometimes he likes to stay after to do extra work in class. Also, he MUCH prefers the larger screen of the ipad for apps and reading. The cameras on the iphone s is MUCH better than the one on the ipad though. We haven't done any editing, but I guess that is something we need to look at.


GL in whatever you decide!

Edited by Trilliums
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Hum. I guess I'll have to find a board like that because our CL seems to have used iPod touches going for $150 and I'd much rather pay $190 and get it new with a warranty at that point. :001_huh:



Huh. Are the ones you're seeing on CL first generation? We got an 8 GB and and 16 GB and both are first generation, one is "jail broken" (don't care :001_smile:), both came with silicone cases, and neither was more than $75.


I totally agree, I wouldn't pay more than $80-90 without a warranty!

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