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I don't know if anyone remembers me, but awhile ago I came here whining and complaining about my daughter needing vision therapy and how expensive it was. Well we looked on http://www.covd.org and found a vision therapist that took our insurance! So my daughter has been receiving vision therapy there 2 x per week and I pay a $15 copay! So I had ALL of my children checked out {I have 6 kids} since it is covered and I now have THREE kids doing vision therapy 2x per week! I would never have been able to afford it if we had gone with the original therapist we were planning to see. Also, the Developmental Optometrist checked their eyes and did extensive testing {all covered} and found that each of their prescriptions were off {based on a previous exam from an ophthalmologist}. They all can SEE better and my daughter who is struggling with reading issues {dyslexia} can see better. She couldn't even tell us that she was seeing double while she was reading due to her expressive/receptive language issues. What a world of difference. Her reading has improved!

We have been continuing her reading therapy with Seeing Stars with her private reading therapist who charges $60/hour and we are getting to a point where I feel like it isn't really helping her and it is costing us too much. I enrolled my daughter in AZVA {Arizona's K12 program} and the program here is providing Barton Reading for her which I think will be BETTER for her. I am going to use it with all my kids that are struggling, including my emerging kindergartener who is having trouble remembering sounds. {We just learned that my kindergartener has trouble hearing low sounds and failed her hearing test at the Pediatrician's office so she is being referred to an audiologist. If anyone has any ideas on what tests/things I should ask for when visiting an audiologist, I would appreciate it!} Thanks.


So, I had my eyes checked yesterday. I haven't had an exam since I was in elementary school. :001_smile: I am near-sighted in my left eye pretty badly and my right eye just a little bit. I have trouble seeing at night when I drive and my eyes blur and I have trouble converging! Sometimes i see double while reading! Argh. I am getting glasses for the first time in my life and I am doing some of the vision therapy as well now to help with my convergence issues!! Who would have guessed?! :001_smile:


Anyways, at least 3 of my kids have perfect vision and no problems and no need of glasses! YEAH!


Thank you everyone here for the recommendations you all made for me and my kids. I will update more as we move along with Barton.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Just thought I would update again. Got my new glasses last week and I am still adjusting to them. Its weird to wear glasses for the first time in 32 years! LOL

But I can't believe how much I was straining my eyes at the computer, while reading, while driving. Wow. I am starting the HTS II computer program at home for myself and my kids and I am excited about that. I go into VT twice a week with my kids as well and my dyslexic daughter has improved in her convergence but she still has one eye that twitches and does not come in like its supposed to. So she is going to do a few more weeks of VT. I hope it doesn't take much longer for her!


Thanks goodness my insurance is covering this or we would go broke! LOL


Anyways, just thought I would let you all know what we're doing! How is everyone else doing with VT?



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How is everyone else doing with VT?




We are taking a break and going once a month. (Its a long drive.) Dd18 almost has her schoolwork caught up, and has been accepted into the college she wants. We had to take care of all of that. She still does the exercises (which are hard and take awhile to conquer) every day. She started a large book and read a good portion of it in a week, she has never done that, so she is definitely improving. School is going much quicker. Part of dd's problem was stress, and when stressed, you tense your eyes, which was keeping her from diverging and converging. Four weeks into the first break, she announced that FINALLY she could clear (I'm not sure what that is, but its good). We have 4-5 more visits.


Glad your VT is going well!

Edited by Susan C.
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