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Wanting to move to more of a plant based diet. Tips? Advice? Resources?

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This will be a shift mostly for me, the rest of the family (read dh ;)) won't even consider it. I am planning on phasing this in over the next few months. I am not sure if I will be 100% plant-based but that would be my hope (the thought of giving up a few dairy products I love the most is my toughest hurdle as well as a select few meat products).


Helpful websites, magazines, cookbooks and so on would be much appreciated. :)

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If you are Pinterest you can look up vegan and it will come up with lots of recipes from people's blogs. I like it better than google, you can find things that you didn't even know to look for.


Sigh...I have been hoping to skip the Pinterest phenomena but it just seems it won't happen. ;):D


Thanks for the tip.

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The best way to *start* is to modify your existing repetoire. Suppose you post and people might give ideas. For example, spag bol tastes just as good, if not better, with a tin of brown lentils rather than the meat. Add a salad to every dinner too :) A soup course is another way of tossing in extra veggies. It doesn't have to be anything fancy.



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I would think about what you like and consider ways to replace animal products. For example, if you enjoy chicken soup maybe look for a different kind of soup you can enjoy instead.


I am not a big fan of fake meat so I am not suggesting that you look for a way to make 'fake' chicken soup...just find a new favorite.


Maybe start with one meal a month? So, come up with three or 4 new plant based breakfasts that you really enjoy. Then when you have that mastered, move onto lunch, then snacks.


Go to your library and check out some cookbooks. Don't limit yourself to vegan or vegetarian. Some of my favorite things have come from mainstream cookbooks.


Start slow and make gradual changes that feel good. In my experience, making huge changes in several areas can just be so hard that you end up quitting.


Oh, Mark Bittman calls himself "vegan before 6." That means he eats no animal products until dinner time. He achieved his goal of reducing his animal product intake but gives himself flexibility. He also lost 40 lbs.

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