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what do I say??? need help for Wednesday evening!

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I listed the swimming instructors that I didn't really want dd to have again on our registration, which included her current teacher... and her teacher was the one to process the form! :banghead: I had been told previously that this wouldn't happen, so I was especially blindsided. Yes, I am sure it was her, because when I called to make sure they received it, she was the one to answer the phone, and she told me she was right in the middle of processing OUR form. :banghead:


I have to see her again tomorrow, and I really need something to say to her. Fortunately, I said she was nice, but that we were wanting someone a little more assertive. Nothing terrible. All the same, she really is a very nice person, and I don't want her to feel bad, or for things to be awkward. Yes, I know it is just business, but I'm just not comfortable letting it go, especially since dd will likely be at this swim school at LEAST another year, or even longer if she wants to join the swim team later on.


Making something up isn't out of the question, if that's what I have to do.... :glare:

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How many instructors does the swim school have? How many alternative time slots did you give?


Where I work, if you signed up for the same time slot you've always had, you are likely to get the same instructor. If instructor Joe is scheduled for the Tues/Thurs lesson group from 4:30-7:00 (5 half hour lessons), he's likely to have the same levels/classes each half for every session through the fall, possibly through the whole year (following a Sept-June year). Sometimes instructors leave and the schedule is changed to accommodate new instructors or new instructors are added because more classes are added. However, if Joe is teaching Red Cross Level 3 on T/T at 5 in Sept then he's probably teaching Red Cross Level 3 on T/T during the December session.


At my facility classes are filled without any regard to who is teaching. The class schedule is printed and mailed in a course/events catalogue that goes out to everyone within the tax district of my rec center. The catalogues are printed months ahead of knowing instructor availability. Classes are over subscribed so there's no way to wait and see if so and so is teaching and then sign up. Teaching is part time. So instructors may change their availability based on the demands of the their "regular" job, their course selections each semester, or the schedule their own kids have. We put in our availability every 3 months, just before each season's schedule starts (a season may have 3 or more sessions in it).


I had a quandary last week because my son had been bullied in a class. The bully has since curtailed his behavior, but my son is anxious. My boss was adding classes and could add my son this session (I don't get priority in registration even though I work there). I had to tell her if the only class ds could be in was with bully then we couldn't do it. I also let her know that it was preferable that ds have a certain instructor. I knew there was a good chance we would get this instructor because he only teaches blocks on certain nights and he only teaches ds's level. Ds loves this man and I knew he might be able to bring ds back. I was prepared to withdraw the first night if it was a different instructor.

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to answer your original question. I don't think you need to say anything. Go and see what instructor your dd has. If she has some you don't like ask if there are openings in classes at her level with other instructors, if not you may be stuck. Based on your comment the instructor is on notice that you want your dd pushed more, so she may do that anyway.

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"This is so awkward for me, Instructor. I did not realize any of the instructors would see the registration forms, because I was told they wouldn't. We have really enjoyed having you as a teacher (list all good points). I just feel, right now, at this time, that dd really to be pushed harder (to get her past this ______________ she's been in [if applicable]). I'm hoping that won't always be the case for her, because we'd love to have you as a teacher again. You're such a sweetheart, and the last thing I'd want to do is hurt your feelings."


But I talk too much, so maybe it's a better idea to just get her a nice little gift to thank her for teaching your dd.:D

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First off, you have every right to pick any instructor. You are paying and you know what your child needs. Plus, I don't think they should have instructors processing forms if that question is on there.


However, I would def. say something brief to her. I am an instructor and if I saw that form, I would be a little hurt. Not a huge deal, but I would be wondering what I did wrong. So, don't think of it as justifying, just clarifying. A gift is not necessary. A quick explanation and a little appreciation for what she has done for your dd is plenty. Trust me, you will be saving her from agonizing over what she did wrong.

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First off, you have every right to pick any instructor. You are paying and you know what your child needs. Plus, I don't think they should have instructors processing forms if that question is on there.



You cannot tell any business they must provide a certain instructor at a certain time. You do not own the facility. It is not like hiring an independent contractor (private instructor). If the previous instructor is the only one available, then she needs to make her dds needs known to that instructor or seek a refund. A patron cannot force a facility the change an instructor and change other children's schedules. How would you feel if your child was in a class and then the facility changed your child's enrollment after you thought you were set as far as the instructor and kids and the group were set.


In most facilities you can request a change, but your major recourse is to withdraw. The op did not describe any serious problems that warrant questioning her license and whether she should be teacher at all. She can file a complaint with the facility. If a facility gets a lot of complaints about one instructor even if they aren't major complaints, they will have discussions, limit work hours, ect. But one complaint isn't going to change it.


As far as working on processing, at most facilities there are a couple people who do everything (teaching, lifeguarding, water aerobics, and helping the director with work and lesson schedules). Not every employee is going to have a hand in the schedules, but one or two are. The OP had no way of knowing that this instructor also participated in administrative aspects of the facility. In general it is true that instructors don't do scheduling, but at most places there is one instructor who is also an assistant of some sort.

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At my facility classes are filled without any regard to who is teaching. The class schedule is printed and mailed in a course/events catalogue that goes out to everyone within the tax district of my rec center. The catalogues are printed months ahead of knowing instructor availability. Classes are over subscribed so there's no way to wait and see if so and so is teaching and then sign up. Teaching is part time. So instructors may change their availability based on the demands of the their "regular" job, their course selections each semester, or the schedule their own kids have. We put in our availability every 3 months, just before each season's schedule starts (a season may have 3 or more sessions in it).


This is how our swim school is, too. I don't think they assign instructors until December for the January-March term, even though registration began last week. It's a bummer, because I would be more flexible about times if I knew I would get our favorite instructor. Oh well, though.


to answer your original question. I don't think you need to say anything. Go and see what instructor your dd has. If she has some you don't like ask if there are openings in classes at her level with other instructors, if not you may be stuck. Based on your comment the instructor is on notice that you want your dd pushed more, so she may do that anyway.


I've done this before, and am willing to do it again if it's really bad. There are two instructors that I refuse to use (not this one, this was just a preference). One got in trouble with another parent, so I'm assuming he was put on notice. The other, I just switched the class. I should have told the school what the problem was, but I figured it was a personal issue. I don't know.... I just don't like conflict. Can you tell? :tongue_smilie:


"This is so awkward for me, Instructor. I did not realize any of the instructors would see the registration forms, because I was told they wouldn't. We have really enjoyed having you as a teacher (list all good points). I just feel, right now, at this time, that dd really to be pushed harder (to get her past this ______________ she's been in [if applicable]). I'm hoping that won't always be the case for her, because we'd love to have you as a teacher again. You're such a sweetheart, and the last thing I'd want to do is hurt your feelings."


This is good.


However, I would def. say something brief to her. I am an instructor and if I saw that form, I would be a little hurt. Not a huge deal, but I would be wondering what I did wrong. So, don't think of it as justifying, just clarifying. A gift is not necessary. A quick explanation and a little appreciation for what she has done for your dd is plenty. Trust me, you will be saving her from agonizing over what she did wrong.


This is how I feel, too.





You cannot tell any business they must provide a certain instructor at a certain time. You do not own the facility. It is not like hiring an independent contractor (private instructor). If the previous instructor is the only one available, then she needs to make her dds needs known to that instructor or seek a refund. A patron cannot force a facility the change an instructor and change other children's schedules. How would you feel if your child was in a class and then the facility changed your child's enrollment after you thought you were set as far as the instructor and kids and the group were set.


In most facilities you can request a change, but your major recourse is to withdraw. The op did not describe any serious problems that warrant questioning her license and whether she should be teacher at all. She can file a complaint with the facility. If a facility gets a lot of complaints about one instructor even if they aren't major complaints, they will have discussions, limit work hours, ect. But one complaint isn't going to change it.


As far as working on processing, at most facilities there are a couple people who do everything (teaching, lifeguarding, water aerobics, and helping the director with work and lesson schedules). Not every employee is going to have a hand in the schedules, but one or two are. The OP had no way of knowing that this instructor also participated in administrative aspects of the facility. In general it is true that instructors don't do scheduling, but at most places there is one instructor who is also an assistant of some sort.


This is all my understanding as well.

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