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AAS or Logic of English?


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I am new to homeschooling and trying to choose a spelling program for mainly my 5 and 8 year olds. The 2 I think I have it narrowed down to are AAS and The Logic of English. LOE is hard to learn about because only the Beta testers have actually used it!

Are any of you on here and could compare it to AAS? Pros, cons?


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There are sample of LOE online. I am currently using those with my 5,8, and 11 year old until the program is released. They all are loving it. I help the youngest with the writing but he is literally telling me spelling rules when not doing school. I did buy her game book and cards so this may be part of why they like it. It starts off a bit basic for the older one but I have to say, the spelling rules are new to him so it is building a good solid foundation. I love it. I does encorporate grammar also, so that can be a consideration. Overall, I find it less "bulky" than SWR or AAS. I've tried both.

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Less bulky sounds great! Yes, we are moving overseas, so i would have to buy all levels of AAS before we leave.

I never really considered SWR as it seems confusing and with our big move and me just starting to homeschool I really need something pretty straightforward.

Is LOE appropriate for all levels? As in, would it work for my 5 yo who is not reading yet, my 8 year old who reads well but makes spelling errors, and my 10 year old who seems to be able to spell anything but doesn't know the why behind it?




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Less bulky sounds great! Yes, we are moving overseas, so i would have to buy all levels of AAS before we leave.

I never really considered SWR as it seems confusing and with our big move and me just starting to homeschool I really need something pretty straightforward.

Is LOE appropriate for all levels? As in, would it work for my 5 yo who is not reading yet, my 8 year old who reads well but makes spelling errors, and my 10 year old who seems to be able to spell anything but doesn't know the why behind it?





I would like to know this as well.



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Less bulky sounds great! Yes, we are moving overseas, so i would have to buy all levels of AAS before we leave.

I never really considered SWR as it seems confusing and with our big move and me just starting to homeschool I really need something pretty straightforward.

Is LOE appropriate for all levels? As in, would it work for my 5 yo who is not reading yet, my 8 year old who reads well but makes spelling errors, and my 10 year old who seems to be able to spell anything but doesn't know the why behind it?





I recently emailed pedia learning with almost this very same question and Denise Eide responded personally.


She told me that it would work well for all my children but only if the youngest already has phonemic awareness, otherwise letters sounds need to be taught. She is planning on other levels of this program but she also said that the accelerated level (due out by the end of the year) can be followed up by a " word roots" program and any other grammar of our choosing. Sounded great to me.


It seems SWR may be more cost effective but some of the spelling rules in LOE are different, there are 4 more phonograms, and the markings are different. In reading her book, I found that the spelling rules make more sense and eleminated more exceptions. Also, ease of use is a big deal to me. I'd gladly pay a bit more for this. I do think that the SWR Alpha list is good to have, though. And once you get the hang of SWR, it is not immpossible to teach. It is just a lot of effort in the begining.

Hopefully some of the LOE beta testers will weight in.


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