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Amazon Prime - WWYD?

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So my brother has an Amazon Prime account... and we can be on it if we want to be, I think.


But I feel bad about not offering to pay for part of the membership fee! But even if I split it with him, it just seems like $40 is a lot (membership is $79/yr). We buy a LOT from Amazon but rarely pay any shipping charges, since we always buy in $25 increments and almost always get the shipping free that way. But lately it is sooooooo slow! Drives me nuts. I got addicted to the super fast shipping when I had a promo Amazon Mom acct, and for a while after that it was fine too, but now it is honestly SO SLOW!


Tell me what you think...

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No can do, unless your brother is part of your household:


Prime members under a free trial or paid subscription can share their benefits with up to 4 additional family members living in the same household...


Amazon Mom has different rules, however, and can be shared with one person outside your household. Go figure. :confused:


Customers who receive their Amazon Prime shipping benefits through Amazon Mom can share their benefits with 1 person within or outside of their household.
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Is your brother wanting to split an account with you, or letting you use his? If he is getting one regardless of what you do and is willing to let you use it occassionally, I wouldn't worry about paying for it (since you don't think you would use it much).


Ask him how much he thinks that you should pay.

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Did he offer? I do that with my mom. She buys it anyways, and I share food with them often so all is good :D


Trade something? LOL. We joke in our family over who owes who, but really we all have something to share and enjoy doing so, and helping others in the family is nice. My sis cuts all of our hair, and I am constantly thinking of random nice things for her, or like when bday rolls around an extra nice gift. She wouldn't let me pay her but I know she is a poor student and she enjoys being able to do something for us so I feel grateful.

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No can do, unless your brother is part of your household:


Ahhhhh did NOT know that! Well problem solved then. He lives 400 miles away!


I would just pay for your own membership. We have Amazon Prime and it has more than paid for itself many times over!


How does it pay for itself? Do you normally pay shipping charges? I can't remember the last time we paid a shipping charge since we always order over $25 worth and it pretty much always earns free shipping. Is there some other Prime benefit that is saving you money, or do you normally pay for shipping (and even two-day shipping)?

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I love my prime as a get things quickly and I don't have to wait till I have $25 worth of stuff to buy, granted I currently have a mom account but it is nice. I live in the country and in two days I can get what I need at my door even if I may not go to town in that time period.


If you consider the movie feature you may find it is worth it.

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I have always used the free shipping option. UPS used to delivery the package directly to our house and we would get things in under a week. Now when it gets to my town, all the packages go to the post office. After 3-4 days the post office finally gets it to us, so our delivery time is almost double what it used to be. Perhaps this is what happens to you as well.

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I have always used the free shipping option. UPS used to delivery the package directly to our house and we would get things in under a week. Now when it gets to my town, all the packages go to the post office. After 3-4 days the post office finally gets it to us, so our delivery time is almost double what it used to be. Perhaps this is what happens to you as well.


YES! I tracked our last couple of shipments and they were sent FedEx but delivered to our local PO, who brought them to us the next day. I called the PO the day they were delivered there, hoping I could go by and pick it up, but they said no, it cannot be released until the next day, and it will be delivered by the mailman.


The current shipment I'm waiting on was delivered to our local PO on Monday. I called the PO about it Tuesday, because our mailman did not deliver it. She said he should have, and she would send him back out with it when he got back to the PO, but we didn't see him again yesterday. I really hope it is delivered today (in fact I will probably be kind of irritated if it is not and I cannot pick it up myself!). I can't imagine how they can let the mail sit at the local PO day after day! I wonder what the USPS agreement with FedEx is about that kind of thing (if they are required to deliver it the day after they get it).

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In our case it pays for itself because I would often buy unnecessary things just to reach the magic $25. We also watch Amazon videos, so the number of free (or discounted) shows and movies also add up. Now I can also borrow one book a month on my Kindle (or let ds borrow one on his). Many of the choices aren't available as ebooks at my library.


We've had it for 3 years now, and will renew when it's time (January). I don't know that it literally pays for itself each year, but the convenience and perks make it worth (to us) the $6.58 a month.

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