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Magical reappearing spots in sink?

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My bathroom sink is a white Kohler sink. It gets these tiny (1 mm diameter) red-brown spots all over it that look like tiny blood splatters. They bleed down the side of the sink with the water. They wipe clean really easily, and the sink looks completely clean afterwards. But the spots reappear within the hour.


I don't know if it is related, but the moisture that pools around the drain turns an almost fluorescent yellow, too.


Any ideas as to what is causing the spots?

Edited by joannqn
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Do they reappear if the sink is dry or only if it is wet? You could put a piece of paper down in the sink right after you clean it well. Then come back in a couple of hours and see if the spots are on the top of the paper (= stuff fallen in) or on the sink side (= oozing up from your sink itself??).

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