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x-post; computer-based Latin?

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I've finally admitted to myself that I really dislike teaching foreign language so I'm trying to find a computer-based Latin program. I've looked at Rosetta Stone but it seems more conversational than I'd want. I'd like something that they could do independently and hopefully doesn't cost a fortune.


We're used Prima Latina along with the videos but it was not a hit in our household (though I think it's a fine program.)


Any suggestions?

Edited by Surfside Academy
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Yes, my son and I learned Latin using the Artes Latinae cassette tapes years ago. We both loved the program, but this approach (programmed learning) doesn't appeal to everyone. We used all the components of the program: teacher's manual, reference notebook, readers, & tests. We paced ourselves at 50 frames per day, taking an exam at the end of each chapter. In addition, we worked through the corresponding chapter of the graded reader for extra practice after each chapter in the text. In this way we were able to gain a good mastery of the language. I think it took us about 3 or 4 years to finish, but we weren't in a huge hurry; I wanted us to have a good foundation to build upon.


Both of us kept a notebook to record new grammar points, and we also kept a running vocabulary list. We reviewed the notebook & vocab daily. Since we worked together, we could help each other when we got stuck. The program starts out slowly, but it does ramp up by the end of the first book, and it covers everything in a standard Latin grammar course (i.e., Latin I and II). Artes didn't appeal at all to my daughter; she used Henle Latin I and II instead and basically covered the same material.


By the end of the program, you'll be reading excerpts from Caesar, Martial, Phaedrus, and many other authors. It prepped my son well for higher studies; he completed the AP Latin syllabi in high school.

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Powerspeak has online Latin courses, though we haven't used it for Latin so I can't give you any details. They do a free trial though, so you could try it and see.




We use their German and Spanish courses and both kids like them. It appeals to kids, with games and an avatar that they design and can make changes to based on how well they do with the lessons. I imagine the Latin courses are set up in a similar fashion.

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I learned about Visual Latin from others on this board, and have decided that when it's time to go back to our Latin studies in high school, this is what we will do. I've watched samples online and it looks great to me. You can buy CD's, downloads or take a course online. They have four free lessons to begin with, and from there the lessons are very, very reasonable in price, no matter which format you may choose. Here is the link to their website.




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