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cross post- history dvd with workbook

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In trying to take some good advice, I am looking for a history dvd with workbook/tests/some kind of activity. I am trying to outsource and wondered if there is a program out there where you show them the segment of the dvd, have them do the assigned work on their own, then maybe discuss. Is there such a thing?




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For my 8th grader doing US history last year, I combined two things.


This video course from The Teaching Company




With this syllabus from Hewett




The videos will take you through approximately 1/2 of the History of US series by Joy Hakim.


The videos have 10-15 comprehension questions and two essay/ discussion questions per lecture.


I matched the lectures to the books and made a reading schedule.


The syllabus has a test for each book. It also has a list of project ideas.


So our schedule looked a little like this:


Mon: Watch lecture; take notes of people, places & events


Tues: Place people & events on timeline - assigned reading


Wed: Complete comprehension questions-review lecture if necessary


Thurs: Do appropriate map work- assigned reading


Fri: Choose one of the essay questions- freewrite, brainstorm or fill out

a graphic organizer. Work on a project. Tests are also taken here


Every other month I'd have her choose one of the essay questions she had worked on to develop into a full essay.


On the other months a project was due. The projects were things like "develop a colonial newspaper with news articles, want ads, etc"


Over the semester she also had to choose to do a book report on a book relevant to what is being studied or a research paper & find the time to work on that.


It sounds very disjointed, but once I had it all scheduled out and in a binder, all she had to do was look at the calendar and do what was there.


Amber in SJ

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