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Left over grilled chicken - meal ideas

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I grilled a lot of boneless skinless chicken breast for our family this weekend to use for a few meals since I knew we were going to be super busy. I divided the meat into thirds.


The first meal, I cut the meat into strips and we ate it with fresh, soft tortillas (and veggies).


The second meal, I chopped the meat into bits and tossed in a little BBQ sauce and served that as sandwiches.


For the third meal, I was thinking about making a light alfredo sauce (skim milk, etc.) but I haven't gotten past just thinking about it.


Any ideas?

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My favorite for leftover chicken is chicken tostadas!


I cook up about 4-6 potatoes, cubed. Tear the chicken into bite sized pieces. Toss in with potatoes. Add frozen spinach that has been defrosted and drained. Mix with about 1/3 cup mayo for it all to hold together just a bit.


We eat it warm OR cold! Cold is really good! We spread it onto tostada shells and sprinkle with a bit of salt and hot sauce... and very rarely have leftovers...

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Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps:





That's one example - but there are a ton of recipes out there. I frequently use the basic sauce ingredients and just throw whatever veggies and meat i have in.

One simple way is to use carrots, water chestnuts, and green onions with the chicken in the mix, and then the lettuce of course.

Anyway - it's easy to play with and change with whatever you ahve on hand.

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I posted a link for a tortilla soup and just clicked on it to look at it again and it didn't work.




My daughter likes the idea for the lettuce wrap. My son liked the idea for a pot pie. I think since I have the ingredients, I am going to make the tortialla soup to avoid a trip to the store.

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cooked pasta (I use angel hair, half wheat, half regular)

chopped chicken


olive oil

Italian seasoning

parmesan cheese

salt & black pepper


Toss all together except the cheese, amounts to suit your tastes. Warm together, toss in cheese just before serving. My kids *love* this stuff.

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