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DD finally loves math...but is it enough?

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If you are doing a math journal, notebook, or something similar is this the only math you do or do your dc have an actual curriculum they follow with the journal as a supplement? I am very happy doing just a math journal with dd and so is she, but is it enough for elementary math? I am questioning it because we are having so much fun in math now, unlike the last 2 years math was agony. It feels like we are playing with math and not "doing" math. Even dd views it as a play time, she asked to take a break from her work so she can do math. I am using a few guides to make sure I cover the appropriate material (Maximum Math, Abeka 2 Teachers Manual, and an old Math book Using Mathematics 3). Dd though does not have an actual math book. We cover a wide variety of math skills each day with math facts being the only constant. I will teach when dd needs review or if a new concept is tackled.


Things we covered in the 3 weeks of our new method:

Math facts review with an introduction to the 8 family (daily)

< > = to

forming numbers

place value


counting by 2, 5, and 10

counting by 10 starting at any number

logic problems (daily)




converting measurements

learning how to spell zero-ten, first-tenth

plotting points

word problems: reading, solving, and creating (daily)


As you can see we jump around.

Please...either assure me this is all I need for now (dd is in 1st grade, but doing 2nd grade math)or point me to what else I need.

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Sounds cool! This is what I want to do. We are starting with 2 days a week, the other 3 we will continue MEP (without the dreaded lesson plans). Do you have any pictures of what you are doing?


Anyway, what you are doing looks similar to what my 2nd grader is doing. He's working on place value in MEP (and it does include counting by tens from various starting points). It is doing addition / subtraction with 'money' (1 cent and 10 cent 'coins'). So it seems what you are doing is great! Congratulations on finding something that works!

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It's probably better than fine. Enjoy math. I was tenaciously holding on to MM until about a month ago when I finally relaxed into the reality that we can do this without it especially considering that doing math in a way that with this child was something like pulling teeth was doing more harm than good.

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