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How long do you let sick child sleep?

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My 12 year old had been feeling off for several days and today it seems to have hit him hard.


He is taking his first nap in 12 years.


He has been asleep since 2pm and it is 4:30pm now.


I'm not sure if I should wake him soon or just let him sleep.


I'm concerned he is going to be up all night.


I haven't had to deal with this since my kids were toddlers.


What would you do?

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Seems to me that the issue with my dc is that if they get tired (busy day, etc.) and sleep in the afternoon, then they might be up a bit at night (go to bed later, wake up earlier). But, if they nap because they are fighting off a virus or whatever, then the afternoon nap doesn't really keep them up at night. Usually they sleep both afternoon and night.


If/when he does wake up, encourage him to drink some gatorade, lemonade, etc. to keep from getting dehydrated. So, when he wakes, he drinks... I'd avoid plain water unless he's eating well enough to be bringing in some sugar and salt.

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I'd also let him sleep. Last month ds was really sick--so sick he actually took a nap. He woke up in the evening and was up for about an hour and then he went to bed. And still slept all night.


Since your ds is 12yo he can get himself a drink or something to do. And he probably already knows to wake you up if something happens (you know, like vomiting).

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I'd let him sleep until he wakes up, assuming it's nothing serious.


Hope he feels better soon!




:iagree: I figure that the sleeping body is trying to divert energy to fighting off the illness. My dd13 has been sleeping a great deal the past couple of days. She feels miserable.

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I let my kids sleep as long/much as they want when they're sick. If I do wake them up, it's only because they're burning up and I want to give them a fever reducer. Viruses really are hard on the body and sleeping is the best thing for him!


I hope he's feeling better soon! I can't think of a food a boy would want more than PIZZA when his appetite returns.;)

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I usually let mine sleep. However, I quietly go in and feel to see if they have a fever. This may require sliding my hand under the part of the body they are laying on the bed. Usually the part exposed to the air isn't that hot but the underneath will be scorching (if a fever).


If no fever, I let them rest. I may wake them shortly to see if they want a drink.


If fever, I prepare fever meds and a drink then wake them. They can lay back down after taking the meds and drink. I may wake them a couple hours later to get them to drink more.

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