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Exercise thread 11/13-11/19

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It's a new week.


I hope to get a run in later. I tried to get up early to run, but my little one refused to let me out of bed. I figure he won't want to cuddle in bed with me for much longer, and running can wait. :001_smile:


Are you still liking the Free Runs?


I start the P90X/Asylum hybrid tomorrow!!! Day off today.


I just wish I could get more sleep before starting this hybrid. My dd has been up the last three nights coughing. So, I've been up too. I am SOOOOOO tired!!!

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I didn't realize you started your exercise week on Sunday, but I'd like to join in tomorrow. :) I got off track the last few weeks, but I plan to get back to my routine this week - which means cardio kickboxing Mon. and Wed. night, and karate and full contact kickboxing Tues. and Thur. night. Oh, and kata class on Saturday morning.

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Sunday: 10 mile run.


Worshipped at the Church of the Deserted Trail -- just me and my husband. My favorite way to start the week. Bliss.


Monday: Insanity Fit Test (Week3 Day1 test). I improved SO MUCH!


Tuesday: Insanity Cardio Plyo (Wk3 Day2) + 4 mile FAST run.


My 4 mile run was supposed to be slow and easy (11-12 min miles for me), but my crazy fast friend pushed our pace for me, lol. Avg 9:58 min miles, with each mile faster than the last (while we kept saying we were going to slow down). It was raining, she is fast and strong, and it was a short run. I was able to talk through it, but, wow, that was fast (for me, lol).


Wednesday: Insanity Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs (Wk3Day3)


Thursday: Insanity Cardio Recovery (Wk3D4)


Friday: Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance (Wk3D5)


Saturday: Couch Warming.


(Insanity Wk3D6 officially skipped. So, shoot me.)

Edited by StephanieZ
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Are you still liking the Free Runs?


I start the P90X/Asylum hybrid tomorrow!!! Day off today.


I just wish I could get more sleep before starting this hybrid. My dd has been up the last three nights coughing. So, I've been up too. I am SOOOOOO tired!!!


Jennifer, are you still running much? You seen to be doing so much Insanity stuff! Impressive!


Are you taking a break from running due to injury, wanting a temporary break, burnout, or just a change of interest? What are your current running goals?

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Sunday - Body Step


From writing what I do each day I am realizing that I do way too much of the same thing. I need to start switching things up a bit and doing weights more often.


Does anyone here have any experience with Spinning classes?



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How do I get rid of shin splints? What causes them?


Have you referred to Dr. Google, lol?


I have had a lot of aches and pains in the last 15 months, and I've had a lot of success with Dr. G.




That said, ICE and a bit of rest always are good things. Rest doesn't mean total cessation of exercise, just reduction of intensity and/or alteration of activity to something that does not exacerbate the pain.


ICE after exercise, plus a couple more times every day. Stretch regularly. Make sure your form is good in whatever exercises you do.

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Does anyone here have any experience with Spinning classes?




I do Spinning classes when I can find the motivation to get up early enough in the morning, as the easiest class for me time-wise is at 5:45 AM. It's a great workout, and since you control the tension on the bike you control the intensity throughout the class. Hmm, other things to note... Spin classes usually involve loud music, frequently popular music which may, depending on the venue, include some vulgar language. Also, unless you ride bikes regularly, your butt will be very sore by the end of the first class and hurt more if you do another class within a week. Gel seat overs can help a lot with this.


And since I am in this thread, I ran 3.2 miles today. :)


I generally log exercise through Runkeeper and over on fitocracy.com though, so no promises I'll update here again. :)

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30 Day Shred Level 2, Day 1


I thought I was going to DIE!:tongue_smilie: The biggest problem is that so many of the exercises are done in plank position, and, well, I can't do that very easily. I tried, though, until I got to the very last abs movement and said, "No way!":lol:


I won't get anymore in today because we have AHG tonight.

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30 Day Shred Level 2, Day 1


I thought I was going to DIE!:tongue_smilie: The biggest problem is that so many of the exercises are done in plank position, and, well, I can't do that very easily. I tried, though, until I got to the very last abs movement and said, "No way!":lol:


I won't get anymore in today because we have AHG tonight.

Ya, Level 2 has a ton of plank moves! I actually think it's more challenging than Level 3.


4.3 mile run today on the treadmill at the gym. Nothing really exciting. :tongue_smilie:

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Ya, Level 2 has a ton of plank moves! I actually think it's more challenging than Level 3.


4.3 mile run today on the treadmill at the gym. Nothing really exciting. :tongue_smilie:


Thank you - now I have motivation.


"Just x more days, just x more days, Level 3 is easier....":lol:


I'd love to run 4.3 miles - someday!

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Jennifer, are you still running much? You seen to be doing so much Insanity stuff! Impressive!


Are you taking a break from running due to injury, wanting a temporary break, burnout, or just a change of interest? What are your current running goals?



Hmmmm . . . Where to start? I consider myself a runner even when I'm not running. Weird, right? Running is what got me started getting back into shape after having my kids. I love it and will always do it.


BUT, I get burned out easily. And, I find that I actually gain inches when I run. My body seems to need more. I tried running and doing Insanity/Asylum and it was just too much. This past couple months, I ran while training for my half 3x/week and did Asylum 3x/week as cross training. Worked pretty well.


Now that it's cold out, I don't wanna' go outside!!!! So, I'm doing the P90X/Asylum hybrid with a couple other people here. I will probably do a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving and a Hot Cocoa 8K in January without training. I think from now on I'll enter a couple short races every year and one half marathon. I'm addicted to the finish line!! LOL


My running goals? To continue to do it. If I start to set time goals, it ceases to be fun for me. So, I don't. I did get faster by using Asylum though, so that was a nice benefit!


Okay - off to finish homeschooling!

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30 Day Shred Level 2, Day 1


I thought I was going to DIE!:tongue_smilie: The biggest problem is that so many of the exercises are done in plank position, and, well, I can't do that very easily. I tried, though, until I got to the very last abs movement and said, "No way!":lol:


I won't get anymore in today because we have AHG tonight.


Ugh. I started Level 2 today, too. Completely forgot about oblique twists. I don't know why, but they kick my butt.


It took me two weeks to finish the ten days of Level 1. I started at 135.8 and weighed in this morning at 132.2. It doesn't seem like much, but I had already lost about 10-11 pounds before starting 30DS.

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I am trying to up my weights on Jillian NMTZ as well. But, I can. not. do more than 5 lbs on that first circuit. Sigh.

Oh my goodness, I've tried that too, and I eventually had to give up trying to do more than 5lbs on that first circuit. I think it's the lunges with the arms out to the sides that makes it impossible (for me at least). I'd rip up my shoulders if I used too-heavy weights on that one.

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Oh my goodness, I've tried that too, and I eventually had to give up trying to do more than 5lbs on that first circuit. I think it's the lunges with the arms out to the sides that makes it impossible (for me at least). I'd rip up my shoulders if I used too-heavy weights on that one.


Yep. That's the one I can't get above 5 lbs on either. I am doing 8's on everything else. Actually, 10's on a few. Glad to know I am not the only one who can't go higher than 5's on that first circuit! Makes me feel better.

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Today I ran one mile with ds(almost)14 just to see how fast we could do a single mile, then walked home (not too far since we were running a loop around our complex) and picked up ds11 and dd9 for a slower 1.6 mile run. Ds(almost)14 came along for the second run as well. Ds16 was excused from running (phys ed?) since he has a bad cold.


This evening, after kidlets were off to activities or excused to free time, I hit the gym and did full body, compound lift weight training which I try to do 3x each week. Ideally, I would get that done bright and early before school starts for the day, but my workout partner had cancelled the night before and I had opted for the extra sleep instead.

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30 Day Shred, Day 2.


Sweated my behind off. Still struggling with anything involving a plank. I did manage to do 5 plank oblique twists. Well, the best version of them I could come up with!:tongue_smilie:


Ballet this afternoon, so not sure if I will walk during ballet or go to the track tonight.


My weight is still stuck, but I am eating more than the max calories I should for weight loss. I'll have to work on that!:tongue_smilie:

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No More Trouble Zones this morning, alternating between using 5lb and 8lb weights (went through the first round of a circuit with the 8lbs, then switched to 5lbs for the repeat, although there were some moves I only did with the 5lbs). Yowch.


I will give this a go when I do NMTZ on Friday.


Today = BBL Bum Bum and High & Tight (but not the floor work with bands)

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Day two of the crazy P90X/Insanity hybrid! Today: Plyo (Insanity) and Relief (Insanity.


LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Relief! It's a bunch of stretching and feels SOOOO good for my sore muscles from the chest workout yesterday!


What's this Relief Workout for Insanity? I don't see that on my calendar! The name sure sounds lovely!

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30 Day Shred, Level 2, Day 3


I was sweating so badly this morning! Ugghhh...I *hate* this workout.:glare: I think that means it is good for me, though.:tongue_smilie: I managed to do more of the torture (what Jillian calls the plank-oblique twist) than I did yesterday. I look forward to the day that those are EASY.


Zumba tonight.


Oh yeah - yesterday I walked a trail near my dd's ballet school. It's .85 miles each way, but I had to walk to get there. I did 2.5 miles all together in 45 minutes. It was HARD! I am used to the track where everything is flat and even.:D

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