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I am not finding enough activities ...


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for Story of the World History ancient...I plan to use it for both grammar and logic. Want to have different activities for both grammar and logic stages.

Is there a good resource that has more activities?


Are you looking for a craft book for your logic stagers? I found the Make it Work series to have the challenging projects in it.


Are you looking for more stage appropriate things to do with the text? I would recommend outlining the text and then having them rewrite a summary from their outline and perhaps defining vocabulary words on notecards or in a personal dictionary.

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I'm only doing this with grammar and pre-grammar (ie my 4-year-old), but what I'd probably do is to use All Through the Ages, a fantastic supplement I bought, to find and reserve library books appropriate for logic-stage independent reading. There are TONS for every subject and period of history.

Lots of reading and hopefully, reading some semi-original sources, like a challenging child's Iliad & Odyssey.

Perhaps add in some notebooking / lapbooking... that should keep them busy right there.

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The blog... The Creation of the Earth? What's that one called? They have really detailed stuff for the Ancients.


We really liked a bunch of the activity books out there.


Classical Kids.


Ancient Greece! - this series has others, one about Rome, one about Egypt and maybe another one I'm forgetting...


Great Ancient China Projects


There was another one from another series we really liked and I can't find it... We took them all out of the library.


There are also just always plenty of books. There's never enough time to read them all.

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