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What Level Hake After ALL Samples?

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I've read through the other thread and have solidly landed on the idea of Hake grammar for dd next school year when she'll be in 8th grade. She has completed very satisfactorily FLL 4, R&S 5 and will have all 20 weeks of the ALL samples done by the end of this school year. We had planned to use ALL this year for 7th grade and then the next level for 8th, but since it will not be available we'll switch over to Hake instead. We will also be using WWS 2 if it is out in time for the next school year when we begin - even it is still in draft form. I would much rather use SWB's writing program than anything else.


I'm inclined to place dd at grade level next year with Hake since it is spiral with lots of review, but I don't know the major differences between Hake's 6th - 8th grade levels. 6th grade level would be a logical progression from ALL, but I don't want too much review next year and ALL does seem a bit more advanced than other grammar programs. Reviews I've read state that with a decent amount of grammar as a foundation, one could start Hake right at grade level. So with that, I'm looking at either 7th or 8th grade. Does anyone have experience with both Hake 7 & 8? Would it be wiser for us to use 7th grade level next year, or go right on to 8th?


Thanks once again, Hive!




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Hi Lucinda...I am wondering where to put my DD as well. I 'was' going to start the ALL sample after Christmas, but now I don't know where to go. She is just finishing GWG5, so I am now thinking I will do GWG6 after Christmas, but I am open to other ideas, so I will be :bigear: to this thread.


Hi Roxy!

How do you and your dd like GWG? I've heard mixed reviews, people liking it a lot or those that say the retention rate is low. I still thought about using it, but then I hit upon the idea of using the spiral method for grammar and thought it would be excellent for our situation.


I'm also anxious to see what others say Hake's 7th vs. 8th grade editions.




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I love Hake!! My daughter completed GWG level 4 last year, but her retention was low. This year, with the constant review, she is doing amazingly well! My son used Hake Grammar 6 last year, but this year, I decided to move him into Analytical Grammar. AG is good, but Hake covers so much more that I wish I had kept him in Hake. So, even though I haven't used Hake 7 or 8, my advice is to go with 7 so you can use it for 2 years!

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Hi Roxy!

How do you and your dd like GWG? I've heard mixed reviews, people liking it a lot or those that say the retention rate is low. I still thought about using it, but then I hit upon the idea of using the spiral method for grammar and thought it would be excellent for our situation.


I'm also anxious to see what others say Hake's 7th vs. 8th grade editions.





We really like GWG, but we have only been using it since the beginning of summer. We did R&S before it. My 4 oldest are all using it, and their retention seems to be good, and they don't complain. I am not sure if it is because they didn't really like R&S, or if they really like it, and like doing it independently. I am undecided as to whether Sabrinna will go to GWG6, or if I will choose something else to do after Christmas. She definitely still needs grammar work, but if she didn't, I would go to AG.


I did look at some samples of Hake, but I would like to know how much writing is actually in it, as we are doing WWS, and I don't think my DD could handle much more. I would also like to know if there is traditional diagramming. My DC all like diagramming, so I don't want to let it go. From the samples, I would probably start my DD at Hake's 6th Grade level, so that she would do it for the next 3 years, then I would probably switch to AG.

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I love Hake!! My daughter completed GWG level 4 last year, but her retention was low. This year, with the constant review, she is doing amazingly well! My son used Hake Grammar 6 last year, but this year, I decided to move him into Analytical Grammar. AG is good, but Hake covers so much more that I wish I had kept him in Hake. So, even though I haven't used Hake 7 or 8, my advice is to go with 7 so you can use it for 2 years!


Hi Mary...can you tell me how much 'writing' instruction is in Hake 6? Did you doing an additional writing course last year? Would it be easy to skip the writing or is it really integrated? Does Hake include traditional diagramming?



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Roxy, I read in another thread that those that use Hake grammar along side WWS don't use the writing component of Hake. That is what I am thinking for us, based on the info shared on those posts. I also learned that the writing assignments are in the student workbook, along with some review sheets. Buying the workbook is optional, but if you buy the hs kit from Rainbow it comes with it. Buying the student text and TM separately is only a savings of $3-4.




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Hi Mary...can you tell me how much 'writing' instruction is in Hake 6? Did you doing an additional writing course last year? Would it be easy to skip the writing or is it really integrated? Does Hake include traditional diagramming?




Each week there is a dictation passage. The student is instructed to copy the passage Mon-Thur, and then the passage becomes dictation on Friday. I like this component of the program, but we rarely get around to it. There is a separate writing workbook, but I don't use any of the writing instruction bc it is incredibly boring! It is very easy to skip the writing component- it is completely separate. The diagramming is traditional.

I highly recommend allowing your child to write in the student book. If my dc had to write out the answers to all the problems, there would be lots of tears and grammar would take up way too much time!! Hope this helps!


* I forgot to add what we used for writing last year. I bought the Write Source 6th grade book and had him write various essays. I think WWS would be perfect for 6th grade, and I plan on using it with dd next year.

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Each week there is a dictation passage. The student is instructed to copy the passage Mon-Thur, and then the passage becomes dictation on Friday. I like this component of the program, but we rarely get around to it. There is a separate writing workbook, but I don't use any of the writing instruction bc it is incredibly boring! It is very easy to skip the writing component- it is completely separate. The diagramming is traditional.

I highly recommend allowing your child to write in the student book. If my dc had to write out the answers to all the problems, there would be lots of tears and grammar would take up way too much time!! Hope this helps!


* I forgot to add what we used for writing last year. I bought the Write Source 6th grade book and had him write various essays. I think WWS would be perfect for 6th grade, and I plan on using it with dd next year.


So, can I just clarify. If we were to go this route, I just need the teacher packet and the student text, not the student workbook, if I allow my daughter to write in the student text. I just want the grammar, not the writing component.


My DD12 is just finishing GWG5, so I was thinking I may do Hake 6, so that she would still get three more years of grammar. Does this sound about right?

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  • 3 weeks later...
My ds did 2 seasons of AG (6th & 7th grades), and I put him in Hake 8 for 8th grade last year. It was too easy for him. We switched to Rod& Staff 8 after about 8 weeks. It was the challenge we were looking for.


I looked at the R&S 8 contents page and it looked like more writing and composition than actual grammar. I need a simple grammar program that will work alongside WWS. So far, Hake seems to be the most straight forward for our needs, so I'm leaning in that direction.




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