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How much to pay a homeschool family to transport and watch one child....

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I'm considering my work options, so just thinking out loud here. My ds10 has an enrichment program Wednesdays, so I would work those days and find childcare for ds1. How much is reasonable to pay a homeschool family to transport ds10 to the enrichment program (where they would already be going) and then watch him from about 3:30 to 6:00? Of course, I don't have this job or childcare for ds1 or anybody lined up for ds10, I'm just trying to brainstorm ideas.

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I'm considering my work options, so just thinking out loud here. My ds10 has an enrichment program Wednesdays, so I would work those days and find childcare for ds1. How much is reasonable to pay a homeschool family to transport ds10 to the enrichment program (where they would already be going) and then watch him from about 3:30 to 6:00? Of course, I don't have this job or childcare for ds1 or anybody lined up for ds10, I'm just trying to brainstorm ideas.


I would do it for $50 a month as that seems reasonable to me. So that's $10 per time if there are 5 Wed. in the month and a little more than that if there are 4 Wed.


If you want to pay by week probably go with $15 each Wed.


That doesn't seem like a lot compared to some of the babysitting rates I've read on here but the kid is 10 and presumably the family has a kid around this same age. So how much extra work could it be having a friend over once a week? If it was a close friend or relative or someone super needy or super appreciative and didn't try to take advantage of me I would do it for free.

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I would do that for one of my friends for free. I wouldn't even consider taking money! One nice thing to do, might be to pack a snack large enough for the whole family, so the mom doesn't need to worry about that after co-op. Of course expect to pay her back sometime by watching her kids. ;)

:iagree: Yep this would be me. I'd either do it for free or not at all. I would probably like a trade occasionally? Only thing I might charge is gas if I have to go out of my pay to pick up child. Try to find someone nearby that has a child close in age, then it's just a playdate. Make sure you have a backup if 1st choice can't make it one week.

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