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Making your own weighted blankets...

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I don't know what kind as I've never ripped it open to find out. :) However, I know it's a smaller bean, probably a navy bean versus a kidney bean, for example. Hmm... maybe its dried split peas? I don't know. Wish I could help you more.



It helps some! Thank you :) Split pea sound good as the smaller it is the more comfortable it would I think.


One more thing I need to ask.. no problems washing it? I have visions of split pea soup in my washer... although I know it takes longer than that to cook them... still :)

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The ones I've seen online are filled with those little plastic balls/beads. Some years back they were popular for filling the bottoms of stuffed dolls/animals that were designed to fit on shelves, and you could buy them in fabric stores. I've looked locally, and can't find them. I'm guessing they'd be expensive, shipping-wise, to buy mail-order. However, that would be my first choice, as they're washable. I would NOT wash beans! In that case, I'd make a duvet-type cover for the blanket, so you could wash the cover even if you couldn't wash the duvet/beans part.

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I looked into making one of these years ago, and made a small one, for use during sitting times, that was very calming for my son. I am so excited to remember this, as I think a full sized one would be very useful for him now. Thanks!


I did lots of research years ago, about beads that could be washed and dried with the blanket I made. They were all poly-something beads, like polystyrene, etc. They needed to say "weighted". I found them in craft stores, for cheaper than beans, and WASHABLE was important to me.


Here is a link that if absolutely lovely about making the blankets:


(Sorry I can't make the link icon work in this browser) This craft website has very nice instructions for construction that even a less-skilled seamstress could handle quite easily.


There are several commercial sites that sell these, obviously cottage industries, but they are very generous about their information about sizes and weights that work best. I only feel good about referring to the one above that is not commercial.


I'm so excited about remembering these. I have so many people in my life who sleep poorly. I wonder, wonder if I could get a bunch of these done by Christmas. Hmmmm. Thanks, Rachel!


PS I kinda remember getting the best price on the pellets I used from Wally World, but the local crafts stores and fabric stores both had different brands, more than one size, I guess for different types of projects? Another sensory thought?



FOUND IT! They're called Poly-Pellets made by Poly-Fil. Searching found them for as low as $6.50 for 2 pounds (add shipping, ack!). I am going to guess you could find them in fabric or craft stores for about $10? They are polypropolene. They're bean shaped, smooth and oval. They are what I used, they come in a bag with pictures of stuffed doll, rabbit and two bears. NOT "poly-fill", "poly-fiber". Walmart website shows the bag having a stuffed cow...same brand, no price. You have to take the number to the store? Fun.

Edited by LBS
found it.
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The ones I've seen online are filled with those little plastic balls/beads. Some years back they were popular for filling the bottoms of stuffed dolls/animals that were designed to fit on shelves, and you could buy them in fabric stores. I've looked locally, and can't find them. I'm guessing they'd be expensive, shipping-wise, to buy mail-order. However, that would be my first choice, as they're washable. I would NOT wash beans! In that case, I'd make a duvet-type cover for the blanket, so you could wash the cover even if you couldn't wash the duvet/beans part.


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The ones I've seen online are filled with those little plastic balls/beads. Some years back they were popular for filling the bottoms of stuffed dolls/animals that were designed to fit on shelves, and you could buy them in fabric stores. I've looked locally, and can't find them. I'm guessing they'd be expensive, shipping-wise, to buy mail-order. However, that would be my first choice, as they're washable. I would NOT wash beans! In that case, I'd make a duvet-type cover for the blanket, so you could wash the cover even if you couldn't wash the duvet/beans part.


This is what I used when I made one for my ds. He still had toileting problems at the time and I wanted to be able to wash it. Also, I didn't want beans in it because I thought they might sprout if they got....damp.

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Some of the instructions I have looked at had blankets with little pockets on them. The pocket would shut with a small zipper or velcro. They put the beans double bagged into ziplocs, so that they could be removed when they wanted to wash the blanket.


Brilliant!!! Thanks so much for this idea!!!!

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