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Dr Hive, a question about my son's hands?

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My ds7 has what look like tiny popped blisters all over his palms and fingers (just the underside of the fingers, not the tops). I have noticed them for about 2 weeks. They do not bother him in any way.


I recently noticed some similar tiny blisters on his older brother. Any idea what they could be?

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It looks just like that, but he has not had any other symptoms. No fever or sore throat, and it has lasted longer than 2 weeks. :glare:


His brother only has 2 tiny blisters.


He did have a moment a few days ago where his palms itched really badly, but he had already had the blisters before that happened.

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Could they be scabies? Are they itchy? If you google "scabies" and click on images, you'll get a bunch of pictures you can use for comparison. They can look a lot like little tiny blisters.

No there is no redness at all. It almost looks like psoriasis (sp?) I have just never seen it with the perfectly circular blisters. His skin seems a bit dry and flaky and it is only on the palm side of his hand.


The only itchyness was the one time a few days ago.

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Does he have what looks like grease lines at the tips of his finger nails, just before the white starts? Are the palms of his hands redder than normal? Do the blisters turn sort of reddish before they pop ?


My family has pustular hands and feet psoriasis, not everyone has the same symptoms. Mine are painful just when they are brand new, then they just go away. Just a thought?


Has he used any new soap, laundry soap, glues, cleaners anything out of the ordinary? An outbreak is worse with new chemicals for me.

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Does he have what looks like grease lines at the tips of his finger nails, just before the white starts? Are the palms of his hands redder than normal? Do the blisters turn sort of reddish before they pop ?


My family has pustular hands and feet psoriasis, not everyone has the same symptoms. Mine are painful just when they are brand new, then they just go away. Just a thought?


Has he used any new soap, laundry soap, glues, cleaners anything out of the ordinary? An outbreak is worse with new chemicals for me.


Yes he does! He has the grease lines. I just thought he was digging in the dirt a lot. I do not have psoriasis, but my mother does. Hers was localized to the elbows and back of knees.


His feet are perfectly clear.


The blisters stay perfectly clear though.

Edited by simka2
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The ocean air and sun helps. Tanning beds for little ones, not so sure I would try that one. Mine are only painful when they first start as tiny bumps. I don't have the more common Psoriasis with the white flakes. Mine was very mild in the beginning, and got much worse, now has been manageable for years. I am just very careful about anything new that might touch my skin. My feet are affected on occasion, but rarely now. In the beginning mine would not get reddish crusty underneath. They were just fluid filled blisters that would pop, or just disappear. Hopefully if that is what it is, his will stay mild. Just be careful of new chemicals. ;-)

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I have not read the whole thread yet but my first guess is hand, foot mouth but that could be because it jsut went through my house. My 13 yr old had it the worst, on his hands, feet and butt cheeks of all places. My 4 yr old had it too. The middle 2 never got it, but given how much disinfecting I did all week while the other 2 healed I am not surprised.


ETA: Having read the whole thing now, I never heard of psoriasis being like that. I am glad that you are finding some answers, sounds like it certainly could be that.

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