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ETC: How fast?

Wabi Sabi

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My ds just started the ETC series (I started him in book 3.) I'm allowing him to work through them at his own pace, of course, but I'm still wondering how people typically use the books.


How quickly do your children go through each level? Do you let them race ahead or do you try to slow them down/pace them at all? Do you have them do a little bit everyday or do you just bring out the workbooks a couple times a week? Do they do an entire lesson in one sitting or spread it out over several different sessions?

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Well what has worked for us... Ds started doing about 4 pages daily. Now he is finishing book 6 and does 3 a day. of coarse, each child is different. If your ds likes it and retains the info, let him do more. If you get to a point where you need to slow down, go ahead. We slowed down in this book. I was surprised he didn't seem to have trouble with 5 or 4. One of those is the one that tends to trip some kids up.


Well, the point is, do what is comfortable for you. HTH.



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My k5 son started in book 1 and we do only about 2 pages per day. My 2nd grader is only in book 5 due to needing phonics review, but he does 4 pages per day about 3 days a week. My plan/goal is 2 to 3 books per year until they're done. I also think whatever works best for your child. It's about mastery not speed. Oh and it's book 4 some kids slip up on. Some skip it all together and come back to it after book 8. My son did fine with it but he is a bit older.

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We just received our order of the first two levels of ETC, and the 1/2 books, today. My ESL first grader started with a free program (blend phonics) while we were waiting for the order to arrive. I was slightly disappointed to see that DD mastered everything in the books in the six or so weeks it took for the order to arrive :D.


So, we will probably race through these two levels and slow down once we further into it. It will be a great confidence builder for DD :001_smile:.

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We do two pages per day, four days a week usually, whatever Sonlight schedules. It works out to one lesson per week. We go through three books a year, 1-3 last year, 4-6 this year. We'll do books 7-8 next year. Honestly, besides book 4, which really threw DS for a loop, it's all stuff he already knows. But, he LOVES it, so I keep on. With the next child, I'll move book 4 to the end though.

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