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Please help me pick a spelling program (3rd grade)

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Honestly, my top criteria at this point is ease of use. I need something that will do the job without it taking too much of my time in prep and instruction (too many little ones). My dd works well independently and enjoys workbooks. I created worksheets using The Natural Speller for her to do this year and I'm just not up for continuing that long-term. I'd prefer consumable workbooks that are ready-made.


If it helps, we really like Math U See and Growing with Grammar because they are easy to use and effective. I'd like a spelling program that has a similar set-up. Any suggestions? TIA! :)

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This is not a workbook program, but it easy to use! It has a scripted book to guide you through the lessons with your dc teaching phonograms, spelling rules, spelling words with tiles and then writing them and 'testing' at the end of the chapter with dictation sentences. Both my dd and I love it! It's non-consumable, so you can use it with any younger dc when they are old enough.

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My dd is going into 3rd grade too.


I looked at Calvert spelling cd (computer program).....


and I looked at Sequential Spelling (which is the one I chose).


I was surprised how "easy" it seems to implement Seq Sp. Check at christianbook.com for inside pics of it.


For Seq Sp - you start with their bk 1 no matter what grade you are on. They have lists of spelling words. You do 1 list a day - they correct the word right away as they go - and that's it. They work on word families. I posted about it the last couple days so you might be able to do a search on it.



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Honestly, my top criteria at this point is ease of use. I need something that will do the job without it taking too much of my time in prep and instruction (too many little ones). My dd works well independently and enjoys workbooks. I created worksheets using The Natural Speller for her to do this year and I'm just not up for continuing that long-term. I'd prefer consumable workbooks that are ready-made.


If it helps, we really like Math U See and Growing with Grammar because they are easy to use and effective. I'd like a spelling program that has a similar set-up. Any suggestions? TIA! :)


We are big Spelling Workout fans here. Very "self-directed" child friendly.

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SWO fits your criteria. My dd11 does well with it b/c she is a workbook type of kid. My boys didn't retain much from SWO. We are switching to AAS for them b/c even though I really *need* something they can do alone...they really need something that WORKS. I found that I just needed to set aside those 10 minutes or so to really work w/ them so they actually learned something and didn't just memorize words for a test and then forget them. That being said...if your dc do well w/ workbooks...SWO would be a good fit.

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When I've read reviews about Sequential Spelling and All About Spelling people talk about the time you have to spend prepping/doing the lesson. They do look like effective programs, but I guess I want to see if something easier will work since I'm fast approaching burn-out. :)


Spelling Workout is one I was looking at as well. Some reviews said it was just busy work and didn't really teach. For those of you that use it I'm guessing you feel like it's effective?


Has anybody here used Spellwell?

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I like R&S Spelling too; I think it's a strong program that isn't teacher intensive (unless you want or need it to be). I only use the TM to grade the workbook and give spelling tests. I glance over the teacher notes for common misspellings or pronounciations of words to point out during the lesson. You can view samples here: http://www.rodandstaff.info/samples/spelling/

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I went w/ SWO b/c of the reasons that you mentioned...needed something that was easy for me to "teach"...no prep/little prep and ind. for my dc. Well, those type of programs work for my motivated dc (my dd11) and SWO worked for my nat. speller (dd11). If your dc are self-motivated and nat. spellers, SWO would do the trick, IMO. Not sure about Spellwell. SWO did seem like busywork to me. Dd11 likes it. Like I said...she is a workbook type kid and very self-motivated (much like her mom!). SWO is also pretty cheap so if it is a bust...you're not out a bunch of money, KWIM? I have several of the books for sale if you decide to go w/ SWO (I have A, B, C and E).

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This is not a workbook approach, BUT they do have a a Digital Spelling Tutor CD-Rom available with the newest version (also available separately). I honestly haven't seen this product but have considered puchasing it because we love Spelling Power, but I don't have time to do it myself with three kids. Here is Rainbow Resource's review of it:



The Digital Spelling Tutor CD-ROM is also available separately, and it allows you to create spelling lists for multiple children, offers learning, drill and testing activities, tracks several children’s progress, allows you to create and print progress reports, and can be used with any spelling word list.


So, I'm not sure how much time you would have to prep with this to set your children up with their lists, but it sounds like using it would allow them to work their lists independently. If your kids like doing some of their work on the computer, this may be a consideration. I wish I could give a better review based on experience, but this is just what I am considering for purchase.

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I haven't read the replies, but have you looked at Spellwell? We used it this past school year, and it couldn't be easier/no prep involved. :)


Woo-hoo! Thanks for that review. It's really hard to find anyone who has used Spellwell. I'll take a closer look at R&S, Spellwell, and Spelling Workout and hopefully will be able to pick the best one for dd. :)

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SWO worked fine, but someone promoted Simply Spelling so we gave it a try despite its unreasonable price. It turned out to be Simply A Waste of Money, so we are back to SWO and are very happy. I think SWO may be right for you. My sons work independently except for the oral spelling tests and they have quite a bit of fun with the workbooks. The workbooks are affordable enough that you could give it a try and move on if it's not for you. Good luck.

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...Spelling Workout!!!!!!!


I love the fact that the kids can do this completely independently. It is challenging, but not too hard...I've always started SWO A in kindergarten, which puts them a year "ahead"...but they've never complained and have always done well in spelling. The format is predictable enough that, once they're good readers, they become independent with this program quickly.


One drawback: some of the writing assignments seem kinda lame to me...but that just might be me.

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