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Quiverof10 - vertigo update?

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Just checking in on you. :) Did you ever see a doctor? Are you still experiencing dizziness?


So, I had a bout of vertigo last month - lasted 5 days. I swear it was related to sinuses because I would wake up with one side of my nose completely plugged. The first morning with no vertigo, my nose was clear.


Fast forward to 2 days ago - waking up with vertigo again. I am on day 3, hoping it lasts only 5 days again. Before bed I took an allergy pill, hoping that I would be clear in the morning - nope. And I feel some pressure in my cheeks, so I'm assuming sinus related again.


Today I ran to Target & asked the pharm about taking something for vertigo - he gave me meclizine, it is OTC. Although the bottle says to take once a day for motion sickness, he told me to take one every 5 hours or so for the vertigo. The bottle was $4 and there are a lot (sorry the bottle is upstairs, ha ha) of pills in the bottle. I just took my first, so I can't report back on if it's working, but I am excited that something might help!!

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Sorry, I am just seeing this. I am still having dizzy spells. I am fine if I am sitting still but when I move my head or stand I get dizzy and my head feels heavy. I am convinced it is due to my sinuses and I am not so sure it's Meniere's disease. In the last few days I started having ear aches and a sore throat on top of the other issues. It's frustrating. I see the ENT on the 16th. In the meantime, I will look for some meclizine tomorrow- thanks for the suggestion! I am taking Allegra, sudafed and nasonex right now but it doesn't seem to be helping.


I am sorry you are dealing with dizziness too and hope you feel better soon!

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I hope your dizziness is gone before your appt. I had to nod my head as you listed off your meds....I'm in the same boat. The allergy meds & sudafed just don't keep my sinuses open and dry. The meclizine helped to lift my head fog and a bit of wooziness. I'm not going to take one before bed, but try a sudafed pm instead. Talk about drugging yourself up for the day! :tongue_smilie:


Good luck & keep me posted!

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Wow, so you all have vertigo, too? I've been dying from it the past month. I'm on all the same meds (Allegra, Flonase, Sudafed). A couple weeks ago I was laying in bed and the room just started spinning. I got nauseaus. I felt somewhat better when I was up, but laying down killed me. Went to my GP, she gave me an antibiotic for a sinus infection. DIdn't do much for me but give me a yeast infection.:glare: I'm going to my allergist on Friday and hopefully she'll give me a CT scan and see what's going on. The vertigo isn't quite as bad as it was, but I still have spells.

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I hope your dizziness is gone before your appt. I had to nod my head as you listed off your meds....I'm in the same boat. The allergy meds & sudafed just don't keep my sinuses open and dry. The meclizine helped to lift my head fog and a bit of wooziness. I'm not going to take one before bed, but try a sudafed pm instead. Talk about drugging yourself up for the day! :tongue_smilie:


Good luck & keep me posted!


I know it! I was taking benadryl every few hours and wanting to sleep most of the day LOL


The meclizine works great for me when i have bouts of vertigo but I get really sleepy from it so be careful.



I will try it. Maybe start with a dose at bedtime. Thanks :)


Wow, so you all have vertigo, too? I've been dying from it the past month. I'm on all the same meds (Allegra, Flonase, Sudafed). A couple weeks ago I was laying in bed and the room just started spinning. I got nauseaus. I felt somewhat better when I was up, but laying down killed me. Went to my GP, she gave me an antibiotic for a sinus infection. DIdn't do much for me but give me a yeast infection.:glare: I'm going to my allergist on Friday and hopefully she'll give me a CT scan and see what's going on. The vertigo isn't quite as bad as it was, but I still have spells.


Sorry that stinks. My GP didn't think I neeeded antibiotics. I am hoping the ENT finds a solution.


Is it more on one side than another? If so there's a simple procedure you can do yourself. I was dizzy for 3 weeks--miserable, miserable, miserable. Did this procedure for 2 minutes and it was GONE.


My GP tried a manuever where he had me lay back and turned my head to one side, then repeated it on the other. Is that what you mean? It didn't help :glare:

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I have had bouts of vertigo my whole life. When I was 23 I had vertigo for 3 months straight. All day all the time. I tried all kinds of meds. I ended up going through some horrible testing to find out I had a severe deep inner ear infection and I had to be one 3 months of steriods to control it. It was horrible. Since that flare up I havent had it again thank God. I hope you all get rid of it fast. I was house bound and lost my job and had doctors that sent me to therapists thinking I was crazy. Even had a brain MRI to rule out a tumor. I did get sever anxiety and panic attacks from all that and ended up on Prozac. I hate vertigo!

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Oh, believe me, my mind has gone through the list of 'possible causes' and several of them are not good.....which does NOT help my anxiety with this!! But, finding out that I am not alone and being sooooo thankful that I am not house-bound has lessened my fears. I would never have thought that vertigo can leave a person feeling so helpless and initially terrified!!! Now it's just a big nuisance. :glare:

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Have you guys had yourselves evaluated for TMJ problems? That can cause dizziness (not always spinning - sometimes it's a "off balance" feeling) as well as pressure in the face, ears, etc…. a lot of people with this end up treating ear infections, sinus infections, and other things that aren't actually the problem.




I do have TMJ. I didn't think of that as part of the problem. I will mention it to my doctor.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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I have had bouts of vertigo my whole life. When I was 23 I had vertigo for 3 months straight. All day all the time. I tried all kinds of meds. I ended up going through some horrible testing to find out I had a severe deep inner ear infection and I had to be one 3 months of steriods to control it. It was horrible. Since that flare up I havent had it again thank God. I hope you all get rid of it fast. I was house bound and lost my job and had doctors that sent me to therapists thinking I was crazy. Even had a brain MRI to rule out a tumor. I did get sever anxiety and panic attacks from all that and ended up on Prozac. I hate vertigo!


That sounds horrible! I am so sorry you went through that. :grouphug:

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