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College Physics-Knight...

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I'm debating physics options for my 11th grade son.


Is College Physics by Knight a good text for self-teaching? Are there full solutions in the text? What have you used for labs?


I'm leaning toward Apologia because it's easy to use, but my son doesn't like Apologia (Bio and Chem). I need a 'get er done' option though, and I can't help him with Physics.




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Is College Physics by Knight a good text for self-teaching?


The answer depends on the student.

It is a well written, rather readable text. Typically, a full understanding emerges only after the student has worked problems, not from just reading the text. You night need access to a source that you can consult for questions, or if he gets stuck on problems.


Are there full solutions in the text?


The text has some example problems, but for the end-of-chapter problems, there are no worked out solutions. Answers to the odd numbered problems are in the back of the book.


What have you used for labs?

We designed our own.

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Would you consider both volume 1 & 2 equal to 1 credit of physics?


I still haven't decided what to do. Ds would enjoy Knight more, but he's got a busy semester. And, he works much better with a set plan which Apologia would provide.


Thanks regentrude and Teachin'Mine.

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For Apologia, I would say that if both books are done, it would usually be considered two credits, or it could be one if listed as an AP prep course. Can't be listed as an AP course, but it would be reasonable to take the AP test after completing both and working with an AP test prep book. We've only done the first book so far, and that was worth one credit.

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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