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This was in my email this morning from a group that I'm part of

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I generally wouldn't use this forum for this kind of recruitment, but I think every homeschooling parent of a teen high achiever will want to know about it.


I recently tried to join the National Honor Society chapter in my town, and was recommended to go to the NHS itself instead of the chapter, as they weren't sure how to handle the situation. After some online research I found out that NHS does not permit homeschoolers to join, and even if an individual were to start a local chapter specifically for homeschoolers, the NHS does not recognize it.


This is wrong - no student should be disqualified from an academic opportunity because of their choices in education. I created a petition on change.org and I would like to encourage as many people as possible to sign and share. You may have to create an account on their website - if you do not wish to share your address, write "undisclosed" in the boxes. I have had an account with them for years and I've never had an issue with unwanted spam, privacy violations, etc.




"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." - Andy Warhol


Thanks for your support!





Please help support this cause by signing the petition.

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As an alternative, here's a link to an honor society for homeschoolers:




I'm supporting this petition because I don't think hs'ers should be secluded and segregated like lepers. We should be allowed into anything mainstream children do.



*ETA* Wanted to add that I'm not trying to sound snarky. I'm just offended at one more jab at homeschoolers.

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My middle was in the Eta Sigma Alpha group. I was much happier with her doing this then I was with her doing National Honor Society- why? Because the homeschool group actually had things they did- both service projects and a few social events. My National Honor Society experience was simply an honor because of my grades. Also, she had to get recommendations and write an essay on the role of honor.


Oh, and I should add that she took it all very seriously and now at college is on the Honor Council- the group that deals with promoting honorable behavior at college and handles infractions. Currently she is on the P.R. committee and helping come out with an advertising campaign to encourage honesty. And yes, she does want to become a lawyer, specifically a prosecutor.

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