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math curriculum v real life math


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I am not getting any math curriculum to work for us. I have 3 kids (10, 8 with special needs, and 5) and they all can use age/developmentally appropriate math in real life; counting money, measuring recipes, telling time, as well as sharing out treats and general adding/subtracting etc.


Dd 10 used MUS until September when we switched to MM but every lesson is a struggle. Ds 8 has only used RS and ds 5 started on MM but quickly switched to RS which isn't clicking well with him. Ds 5 is my greatest concern as he seemed to be very mathematically minded; he had been figuring out math facts since he was barely 4 yet seeing the same facts written down completely confused him. He has had his vision tested, BTW. He is FLYING through OPGTR so he is certainly seeing well.


I really don't know what to do. I don't think another curriculum at this point would help. I suppose I just needed to let it out.:tongue_smilie:

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What about doing a math journal with your kids and exploring topics through living math books. It sounds like your dc are gaining math skills from daily life and that those skills are sticking. You could use a math journal to help them see all the math they are doing in real life. I recently started a math journal and there is a thread about them here.

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Guest ebwhite2

my ds is 7 and we are just starting with formal math for him (Rod&Staff Grade2). he is flying through it! maybe just keep doing real world math until he is ready to see the concepts on paper? my ds is also very math-minded. he can figure out 3 digit math problems in his head - and we have never even taught him how. just take it easy and keep quizzing him in the real world. that is what I would do. math is so, so basic at 5yo.

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Great article. My 10 yr old dd had any math ability killed by formal math instruction beginning at 4 in our N. Irish school system. She is so uncertain of every math task. She couldn't tell time until we stopped teaching it to her. This is why I have been so cautious with my 5yr old. He was compulsory school age here a year ago but I held off on formal math instruction because of what happened to my dd.

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