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dd's first letter to penpal which made me lol

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This is my 6 yo dd's first letter to her new pen pal which I found on the boards. It was hard but I resisted the urge to help/correct much. I told her she needed to start with Dear Sylvia, and the second line had to start with a capitol letter and the rest she could do on her own. I am amused to know she has "a rather tannish skin" and that she felt the need to tell her new friend that she has ten fingers and ten toes, one nose, etc.:lol:



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This is my 6 yo dd's first letter to her new pen pal which I found on the boards. It was hard but I resisted the urge to help/correct much. I told her she needed to start with Dear Sylvia, and the second line had to start with a capitol letter and the rest she could do on her own. I am amused to know she has "a rather tannish skin" and that she felt the need to tell her new friend that she has ten fingers and ten toes, one nose, etc.:lol:


That is sweet. :)

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Do you really want to post so much personal information on this forum? Did you know it is completely open to anyone to read... you don't have to be a member...


ETA: Edited to remove the exact types of personal information included... just in case.


You do have to be a member to see the attachments.



OP- your dd's letter is so sweet. It's well written too- you should be proud!

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Good point about being a member to see attachments... still... anyone can become a member.


I agree that the letter is cute! Adorable!

It would just make *me* feel better if mom would cover the identifying info with a scrap of paper or something.


I tried to cover it up but couldn't get the picture to show up right and so I decided to just do it and not worry about it. It's no more information than is available on facebook or on our business website. If someone is going to go to all the trouble to join the forum to see this to figure out my last name more power to them. I appreciate you pointing it out and understand where you're coming from.

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Cute, but also VERY good writing for a six-year-old. She must go to a good school, ;)


Thank you. I needed that today. We've had a particularly unfocused week and I've been feeling guilty that all we did yesterday was a math test and this letter. I let her spend the rest of the day reading because of some work stuff that had to get done. Apparently she's learning something even though her teacher is distracted and disorganized!

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This is my 6 yo dd's first letter to her new pen pal which I found on the boards. It was hard but I resisted the urge to help/correct much. I told her she needed to start with Dear Sylvia, and the second line had to start with a capitol letter and the rest she could do on her own. I am amused to know she has "a rather tannish skin" and that she felt the need to tell her new friend that she has ten fingers and ten toes, one nose, etc.:lol:


Completely a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e! :001_smile:

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Very cute. I like how she wrote "illustrations" above the picture. :lol:


What have you used to teach her spelling?? My youngest is 8 and couldn't spell over half of those words right. I'm about to start AAS and I hope it will help her.


She told me as she was writing "illustrations" that it's the proper word because it's used in books. We learned phonics with ETC and did a little Spellwell at first. We then switched to A Reason for Spelling for about 5 minutes. Both of those seemed to0 easy so I bought Spelling Workout because WTM recommended it. We did a whole book and 2 lessons of the next one and she never spelled anything wrong. At that point I realized she's just a natural speller and we stopped doing formal spelling lessons. Now I do a weekly list from the local homeschool spelling bee group. They provide a just for fun list for 1st - 3rd and we do 10 words a week from that. She spells 1 or 2 wrong on the pre-test and we practice those for the week. I apologize because that's probably not helpful but I really can't take credit for teaching her anything in this area.

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