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Someone HAS to be the grump!

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Don't the kids know this? They've always done their part before to make sure AT LEAST one of them is a grump.


But today they really dropped the ball.


DD(7) (the complainer) happily and speedily did all her work. She even worked independently while I helped her little brother with reading. She finished school before lunch! What happened to the whining?


DS(4) (motto: "YOU'VE RUINED MY LIFE, MOM!") listened to the rules. He played with his little brother without tormenting him, and even LIKED (gasp) lunch!


DS(2) (the clinger) didn't sit outside and cry whenever I entered the bathroom. He didn't even insist that I hold him 3/4 of the day. Rather he played happily, and even went down for his nap without a fuss.


DD(2 months) (the baby) was all smiles, coos, and happy naps today.


Well - if they aren't going to do what's necessary, it's up to me to pick up the slack. With the help of my terrible night of no-sleep I took on the role of the grumpy, ornery, cranky family member today. It's a dirty job - but somebody has to do it. Maybe tomorrow one of the kids will take their job more seriously so I can get back to my normal, cheerful self. :glare:

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Don't the kids know this? They've always done their part before to make sure AT LEAST one of them is a grump.


But today they really dropped the ball.


DD(7) (the complainer) happily and speedily did all her work. She even worked independently while I helped her little brother with reading. She finished school before lunch! What happened to the whining?


DS(4) (motto: "YOU'VE RUINED MY LIFE, MOM!") listened to the rules. He played with his little brother without tormenting him, and even LIKED (gasp) lunch!


DS(2) (the clinger) didn't sit outside and cry whenever I entered the bathroom. He didn't even insist that I hold him 3/4 of the day. Rather he played happily, and even went down for his nap without a fuss.


DD(2 months) (the baby) was all smiles, coos, and happy naps today.


Well - if they aren't going to do what's necessary, it's up to me to pick up the slack. With the help of my terrible night of no-sleep I took on the role of the grumpy, ornery, cranky family member today. It's a dirty job - but somebody has to do it. Maybe tomorrow one of the kids will take their job more seriously so I can get back to my normal, cheerful self. :glare:




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