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Ikea Expedit Book Shelf

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We have one. It's the one that is 4x4 squares. My only regret is that I didn't buy the next size up because our books seem to multiply. I did notice some scratching in one of the cubes that I have a plastic book basket in. I put some felt on the bottom to prevent further damage. I haven't noticed any scratching from books or binders. Hope this helps :)

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We have the entertainment center, six of the 8-cubes (as we call them) and two of the 4-cubes. LOVE Expedit! Many of the cubes have baskets, several have the banker's boxes, and some are left open for display. All have held up remarkably well.


FWIW we left most of our furniture back in the us when we moved to Germany & thought we'd just "get by" with Ikea while here. Turns out I love it & plan to use a lot of what we've bought here when (if!) we ever return!

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