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When you have two little girls standing behind you staging an epic battle with four different colors of counting bears (composing two different tribes with lots of grievances), mobilizing on either side of the Mississippi fluvius. Oh, and one of the issues the tribes are battling over is whether the name of the fluvius is pronounced "fluvius" or "fluwius" because they don't realize there's a difference between the classical and the ecclesiastical pronunciations :lol:


ETA: To cap it off, DD9 just said to DD6, "Can we do battle now? Because my population is growing too large and I need to thin it out [a la Zeus instigating the Trojan War]." :lol: It's moments like these that gratify me, because just this morning I was feeling badly thinking about how they don't seem to retain much from any history reading done prior to the current week. I guess I have managed to hammer in some pegs after all!


Or when you try to convice the other Philistines to ALSO memorize their library card (I have mine and the children's card memorized--'cause 100 books just isn't enough--and I can usually have one card with a low enough fine amount to be able to check out:D)


Thank you for sharing that; now I don't feel so shady! I made DD9 get her own card last week for this reason :blushing: This way we'll always have a free card for downloading audiobooks from the library Web site!

Edited by melissel
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Or when you try to convice the other Philistines to ALSO memorize their library card (I have mine and the children's card memorized--'cause 100 books just isn't enough--and I can usually have one card with a low enough fine amount to be able to check out:D)


Or when you get a card for your 5 yr old because you routinely have your own card and your 7 yr old's card maxed out.

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When your 6 year old gets in this tense discussion at church with an 11 year old:


dd6 "look, I colored my picture to look like the Green Knight"

11 yo friend "you mean the green hornet"

dd6 "no, I mean the Green Knight"

11 y0 " there's no such thing as the Green Knight"

dd6 "of course there is! You are silly. Haven't you read about King Arthur? What do you study in history? Who ever heard of a green lantern, anyway?"

11yo...confused look:confused:

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...and when you have to have a meeting with your child before Sunday school every week reminding her that it's not okay to answer every question without raising your hand even if the other kids don't seem to know what's going on. We have a regularly scheduled pep talk about being polite before every class.

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When your 6 year old gets in this tense discussion at church with an 11 year old:


dd6 "look, I colored my picture to look like the Green Knight"

11 yo friend "you mean the green hornet"

dd6 "no, I mean the Green Knight"

11 y0 " there's no such thing as the Green Knight"

dd6 "of course there is! You are silly. Haven't you read about King Arthur? What do you study in history? Who ever heard of a green lantern, anyway?"

11yo...confused look:confused:



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I still don't know how to do the "multi-quote" thing and it's frustrating me!


Anyway, I can SO relate to the extra bookshelves comment! Did something similar a couple of weeks ago at a yard sale. DH looked at me askance but I was really trying to figure out WHERE we could put them because they were pretty solid and CHEAP (only $10 for 4 or 5 shelves)!


As to the Sunday School comment, this is probably my son, as well. He's 7 but he reads fluently. Meaning even if there are a dozen new words he's never hear of and they're multi-syllabled, he can read it and understand it. He might as well teach the class! ;)

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As to the Sunday School comment, this is probably my son, as well. He's 7 but he reads fluently. Meaning even if there are a dozen new words he's never hear of and they're multi-syllabled, he can read it and understand it. He might as well teach the class! ;)


Yep, they could hang out. My dd also read fluently and has a bad habit of correcting pronunciation when listening to others read. Unfortunately this includes the teachers. This provides excellent character training lesson material.:glare:

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...and when you have to have a meeting with your child before Sunday school every week reminding her that it's not okay to answer every question without raising your hand even if the other kids don't seem to know what's going on. We have a regularly scheduled pep talk about being polite before every class.


Us too!

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When your kindergartener looks at a toy catalog and, upon seeing the Russian nesting dolls, excitedly exclaims, "Look, they have canopic jars!"





This made me chuckle! When my daughter was in 1st grade, the first year we were homeschooling, my sister asked if I could watch her son (8yo at the time) one day. I said, "Sure, but he'll have to do school with us." We were studying Ancient Egypt at the time and made him the mummy by wrapping him in toilet paper and then pretending to disembowel him. He thought it was great fun! (Really!):D

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When you have books stacked on every. available. surface.



Yep! :lol: I just try not to get food on them when they're on the kitchen bench...



When your children regularly fall asleep with their head in a book (including the 1y/o! Awwwwwww)

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...when your 4 year old is attempting to spell "sarcophagus" with her fridge letters. Then, 30 minutes later you hear, "Wait! Brother come back here! I need to wrap you up in this scarf!...Good, now lay down in your sarcophagus...okay, here are your spices..."


I guess between SOTW1 and Magic Treehouse, the mummy thing is sinking in.

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When you have to tell your kid it's not polite to compare what grade level of math you are doing with your friends.


When everyone waves to you at the library.


When you get up to go to the bathroom at midnight and your 7 yo is awake in bed - instead of being angry you just ask them what book they're reading.


When you leave the house to go anywhere and everyone gets a book. You never know when traffic will be bad or you'll have a wait.


I also have my library card number memorized. If homeschoolers ever have to go underground and live secret lives that's how we'll be able to identify each other. We're the ones rattling off our library card numbers at the library without looking ar our cards. :)

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Your neighbor runs down and yells in the front door "Son, get that skeleton out of their house.....OMG, I am soooo sorry'


And she finds you standing there stirring a pot of soup and helping the kids assemble the bones on the floor, by pointing with your toe.


My neighbor knows I have just girls, so she was a little concerned that I might not be familiar with 'boy' behavior. She doesn't realize that my hobby reading is forensics. :lol:

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When you have to tell your kid it's not polite to compare what grade level of math you are doing with your friends.


:iagree: or to laugh and say "that's crazy...I could do that when I was 5" when you hear your friend doesn't know how to multiply



When you get up to go to the bathroom at midnight and your 7 yo is awake in bed - instead of being angry you just ask them what book they're reading.


This happend to me last Thursday. She would read all night if we let her.


When you leave the house to go anywhere and everyone gets a book. You never know when traffic will be bad or you'll have a wait.


Not just "a" book, a stack of books. DD talks A LOT and my dad called me a few months ago and asked why I didn't tell him about carrying books with him. Apparently he's been having non-stop conversations with her everywhere they go for the last 3 years. She asked to take a book with her and she didn't talk at all. He said it was like a miracle.:lol: DH used to pride himself on a clean car. Now he just shakes his head and moves all the books in to a neat stack next to her.


Comments above.

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When your kindergartener looks at a toy catalog and, upon seeing the Russian nesting dolls, excitedly exclaims, "Look, they have canopic jars!"


Or when you don't want to go to bed, even though it is 2 AM, because you are having too much fun making flashcards. :D :001_huh:


:iagree: And then I lose the flashcards in the piles of school papers and lists and schedules and I have to make MORE flashcards :D

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