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Canadian moms - where do you buy from?

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Hi, I have placed many orders from Rainbow Resources in the states and they have been great but the shipping costs are killing me. Any suggestions from folks as to where I can buy things like the Rightstart Games, Winning with Writing etc. in Cananda? Are there any suppliers that don't charge shipping?

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I use Rainbow Resource too, but the costs are OUCH. I try to get everything at once so I only have about 15% tacked on for shipping plus the customs fees. I ordered an item on Amazon.com the other day. It was $25 for the item with free shipping. My family lives in the US and are coming to visit so I am having it go to them. But it was $25. That was it. No shipping costs. No tax. Wow. Plus it was 1/2 the price of what I would have paid here.


Even with the cost of shipping and customs fees the costs are usually less if I order through Rainbow Resource since shipping is not free from Canadian companies and things cost more. I do like to use Chapters.ca when I can. Amazon.ca hasn't been great. I liked bookdepository.com too.

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One way to get free shipping is to order at a convention. Last spring, Right Start was at the Alberta convention, offering free shipping on any sized order.


Also, there are two physical homeschool stores in my city. That makes it easy to pick up odds and ends with no shipping, though their prices are a little higher (probably to cover their shipping costs).


We love Book Depository, too. :)



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