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Ready to homeschool - rough start

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December 17th will be my kids last day of private school and then we begin homeschooling. I am excited and my kids were excited until today. My dd11 told a couple of her friends that we are going to homeschool and they told her she won't have any friends, that she needs to throw a fit with me and that if she leaves the school, they will not continue to be her friend. Then the friends (11 year olds) came to me after school and again expressed how they won't be her friend anymore. I tried to blow it off and say, "Oh well, we're not moving, we can see you on Fridays or the weekends." Nothing.


I know you're thinking - get better friends! I know. And this wouldn't be that big a deal if we lived in the U.S., but we're in Mexico City and it's taken us 6 years to build these "friendships". There are no homeschooling groups here that I'm aware of and now my dd11 has been bullied into regretting our decision to homeschool.


I'm new to this (tomorrow I have a meeting to officially tell the school), but any suggestions? I was prepared for attacks on me but I wasn't prepared for attacks on my kids. I feel so low.


Mom to dd11, dd10 and ds7

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I don't have any advise, just stand strong! You made this decision to homeschool for a reason, obviously none of those 11 year old friends can even to begin to understand why. It may seem tough but I am sure once you begin homeschooling it will be worth what may seem like a struggle! Good luck and I am sure you will find support from somewhere!!!:grouphug:

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They probably aren't trying to bully her, they probably think it is true. I can imagine your daughter being afraid it will be true. I would discuss her fears with her, and be understanding but at the same time point out that of course they will all be friends.


Kids have even more assumptions about homeschoolers than adults. :D Even my oldest son who went to public school had concerns about homeschooling based on what he thought homeschooling was like.

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I know it's inevitable that things change when you homeschool, but I said to these girls, "We'll invite you over, it will be fun" and two replied, "We won't come if you don't stay in the school."


This is the way many girls this age act. Your dd homeschooling is just an excuse. If it wasn't homeschooling, something else would pop up to trigger this reaction, whether its boys, clothes, etc. If you do sleepovers, I'd recommend having dd pick the girl she's closer to and have a girls night: pedicures, manicures, popcorn, and a movie or whatever would make the night special for dd and her friend. Make an active effort to keep one of the girls in dd's life and the other may follow.


I don't intend to demean your dd's real fears re: her friends dropping her. As adults, it's easy to say, "That's what happens in life," but for your dd this could be very traumatic. Be there to talk and understand if she lashes out at you. Like the other pp, you made the decision to HS for adult reasons. The immature behavior of children shouldn't sway your choice.

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