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Is there a good natural supplement for PMS?

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In layman's terms, coz I'm a layman. ;)


If your vertabrae aren't aligned, they are squashing the nerves, right? If nerves are squashed, the messages don't get through efficiently. That means the organ on the other end of the nerve has become kinda "hard of hearing" and has to guess what the messages might have been and guessing usually leads to the organ over working or under working.


So, if your lower back is out, and your uterus is over compensating, it could be creating a heavier than necessary lining, and will need to contract harder to expel it all.


If your neck is out, the nerves heading to places that produce and control your hormones could be having a hard time, which can result in horrible mood swings. Now a chiropractor cannot tweak your neck and create Zen, but it can downgrade the mood from Medusa to merely touchy.


If you decide to try it, ask around for a good chiro. Some are great, some are not. They should ask for xrays, provide info on what chiropractics is and give you the opportunity to explain what you are there for before they touch.



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I take Evening Primrose Oil as well. My kids call them my "cranky pills" :). When I get snappy they ask "did you take your cranky vitamins?" :lol:


I also take oona brand herbal supplement for cramps/heavy bleeding/etc. They have another one for crankiness too, but I haven't tried it.

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I am an herbalist and acupuncturist, and always tend towards natural remedies. I tried progesterone, chinese herbs, EPO, fish oil, black cohosh, acupuncture, you name it. Some helped a bit. Nothing helped enough.


I went on Prozac 3 months ago and my world has changed. I know that's not what you want to hear, but I am happier, more patient around the time of my period, no longer a raging b*tch and have more energy. I am a huge proponent of finding natural alternatives, and there are definitely many out there to try before going the med route. But just know that it is an option, if you need it.


Good luck.

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Oh, & everyone is spot on about the dark chocolate thing. Plus brazil nuts. I read 3 brazil nuts/day provides you with much needed selenium which allegedly provides anti-anxiety benefits & mood-boosting. :) When I have some in the freezer I do this. But honestly, I more often reach for the dark chocolate! :D

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I get so snappy! Thanks!!


Calcium, Magnesium, Vit D, B Complex. These are all nutrients that we are very often lacking in and if you take them consistently they will help with pms. I have had young ladies that had inconsistent cycles and that also straightened out. One gal was wanting to get pregnant and couldn't. She had very inconsistent cycles. With in 4 months of starting these she was pregnant.:001_smile:

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I am an herbalist and acupuncturist, and always tend towards natural remedies. I tried progesterone, chinese herbs, EPO, fish oil, black cohosh, acupuncture, you name it. Some helped a bit. Nothing helped enough.


I went on Prozac 3 months ago and my world has changed. I know that's not what you want to hear, but I am happier, more patient around the time of my period, no longer a raging b*tch and have more energy. I am a huge proponent of finding natural alternatives, and there are definitely many out there to try before going the med route. But just know that it is an option, if you need it.


Good luck.


Can I ask - did it make you sleepy? I was prescribed Zoloft for PMDD and I won't take it because that's what happened -- I tried one and it made me sooooo tired all day, tired enough to almost fall asleep *sitting up* on the couch. That's not okay - I have a baby here and a child with special needs. I can't be drowsy like that. Someone told me to take it at night, but that's no good either - I need to hear my littlest when he wakes. I won't take anything that will make me sleep heavier.


So how'd it go with the Prozac? Drowsiness? Do you take it all month or just around that time? [i heard that people can do that too]

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Can I ask - did it make you sleepy? I was prescribed Zoloft for PMDD and I won't take it because that's what happened -- I tried one and it made me sooooo tired all day, tired enough to almost fall asleep *sitting up* on the couch. That's not okay - I have a baby here and a child with special needs. I can't be drowsy like that. Someone told me to take it at night, but that's no good either - I need to hear my littlest when he wakes. I won't take anything that will make me sleep heavier.


So how'd it go with the Prozac? Drowsiness? Do you take it all month or just around that time? [i heard that people can do that too]



It does NOT make me drowsy at all. In fact, I have to take it in the morning to be sure I fall asleep at night. And I was originally prescribed it to take post ovulation through my period, but it made me dizzy to go on and off it, so we decided to just keep me on it all month. It's a low does, but my husband is very, very happy with the change ;) as am I. I feel worlds better.

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Guest submarines
magnesium does wonders for my cramping......I've just recently started taking EVENING PRIMROSE OIL....not sure if it's doing any good or not....


:iagree::iagree: and vit D3 in high doses.

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I am an herbalist and acupuncturist, and always tend towards natural remedies. I tried progesterone, chinese herbs, EPO, fish oil, black cohosh, acupuncture, you name it. Some helped a bit. Nothing helped enough.


I went on Prozac 3 months ago and my world has changed. I know that's not what you want to hear, but I am happier, more patient around the time of my period, no longer a raging b*tch and have more energy. I am a huge proponent of finding natural alternatives, and there are definitely many out there to try before going the med route. But just know that it is an option, if you need it.


Good luck.


Glad to see I'm not alone. I have severe PMDD and tried other things, but only Paxil has helped me. It has made a world of difference for me and my life. It was to the point that I was literally missing almost a week of worth every month due to the severity of things. It's good to feel "normal" (whatever that is) again.

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Oooh! I just last week tried a new thing my OB recommended. I'm taking a serotonin supplement called 5-HTP. It is a natural supplement and is like a happy pill b/c it helps your brain make serotonin (the feel good hormone) which is lacking in the two weeks prior to the onset of menstruation. I told my OB how as soon as I ovulate I can feel the decline in my mood and frame of mind. I took them first thing in the am on an empty stomach and just felt like all was well with the world those days. I'm so happy I found it. I also started taking those oils ... essential fatty acids aka EFA's. Or you could just do Evening Primrose or Borage Oil.

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It does NOT make me drowsy at all. In fact, I have to take it in the morning to be sure I fall asleep at night. And I was originally prescribed it to take post ovulation through my period, but it made me dizzy to go on and off it, so we decided to just keep me on it all month. It's a low does, but my husband is very, very happy with the change ;) as am I. I feel worlds better.


thanks :001_smile: …maybe i'd give this one a try…


i take cal/mag, d, b6, c, a regular womens multi….they *help* but i think it could be a lot better. this came out of nowhere after i had our littlest newbie in the spring - i'd never even had normal pms before.. my "girl time" was so uneventful - i never even knew it was coming until it arrived. *this* sucks.

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I tried *** years ago. I found it completely flattened my mood. I lost the *****iness & the 'low' feeling that comes, but I also lost highs & real happiness. I missed being happy so much that I dropped it & decided real feelings were preferable to me, even if sometimes those feeling SUCK. Just my experience, I know lots of people have reported success with it. :)


Amazingly, when I stopped trying to treat specific 'things' & started significantly changing my diet for whole-body health I started to feel more balanced & my PMS reduced enough that it is manageable :).


Now, I eat healthy, feel like a woman (complete with the occasional 'mood') & am fine with it.


I hope you find what works for you! I spent a lot of time at the OBGYN before I realized that we were just never going to be on the same wavelength. I wanted help, but not her kind of help :).

Edited by us4jones
removed name of product
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I tried *** years ago. I found it completely flattened my mood. I lost the *****iness & the 'low' feeling that comes, but I also lost highs & real happiness. I missed being happy so much that I dropped it & decided real feelings were preferable to me, even if sometimes those feeling SUCK. Just my experience, I know lots of people have reported success with it. :)


Amazingly, when I stopped trying to treat specific 'things' & started significantly changing my diet for whole-body health I started to feel more balanced & my PMS reduced enough that it is manageable :).


Now, I eat healthy, feel like a woman (complete with the occasional 'mood') & am fine with it.


I hope you find what works for you! I spent a lot of time at the OBGYN before I realized that we were just never going to be on the same wavelength. I wanted help, but not her kind of help :).


what happened with the asterisks? i'm trying to think of a prescription or a supplement that would have part of a censored word in it, but i can't :laugh:


i do know what you're saying about 'real feelings' …i get that - i'm the sort fo person who used to be freaked out about the idea of "heaven" in the way that most christians describe it (constant perfect happiness) because that just sounds horrifying - but at the same time, there is "moody" and then there is someone who has an imbalance that actually causes them to feel suicidal or other such things. It can go beyond just snapping at people and wanting some chocolate. ;)

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okay, so I intentionally asterisked the name of the med, b/c as I was writing, I suddenly became protective of my personal, private, medical history. But at the same time I wanted to share my personal experience with the OP. However, when I wrote another word for 'crankiness' I was surprised that it bleeped itself! So, it made my word look dirty :).


I completely agree with you about the benefits of the meds. I am not a med-knocker, but I didn't get the feeling from the original post that this was a case of serious depression or other. She said PMS, so I went with that. Each person ultimately decides what is best for them, and that is what is best for them :). I in no way meant to knock it...only to share my experience.



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I recently talked to my GYN about how the moods, and all other symptoms keep getting worse, as I get older.


He said there have been brain studies that show a woman's monthly withdrawal from Estrogen has the same physical effects as an addict's withdrawal symptoms from heroin! No wonder I act like an out of control, raging lunatic every month!


He too suggested Prozac, basically saying, if the withdrawal symptoms are really bad there is not much else that helps. However, I am going to try the Magnesium idea - anyone have a favorite brand?

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I'm right there with you. I nearly lost a job because I quit taking birth control and couldn't function. Fortunately, my boss was a woman. She gave me another chance, and the day off to see the OB/GYN.


I'm currently taking one of the birth control pills that suppresses your cycle so you have one period every three months rather than every month. We were hoping the PMS would go away when the cycles went away. I do still have monthly PMS even though I'm not having a period. I can't win!


I'm currently trying magnesium which someone recommended. I'm also taking 5,000 IUs of D-3 a day. I haven't had a cycle since starting this so I don't know if it will help or not. I have noticed that mornings are easier; I'm not waking up any earlier but I'm more functional when I do wake up.

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What helps me (not listed in order of importance):


My chiropractor. She has worked wonders for my heavy cramping and painful periods. My chiropractor uses the "activator" method (no heavy-handed, "cracking" manipulation of the joints/spine). My periods have been better since I started getting regular adjustments, but last month I coincedentally had an appointment the day before my period started--I don't keep track, so I had no idea it was coming--for the first time in my life I had a pain-free period. Not one cramp. AND it only lasted FOUR DAYS!! It was still relatively heavy, but when you're used to 7 or 8-day super painful and heavy periods, well, it was awesome.


An herbal combination from Herb Pharm called PMS Comfort Tonic. I try to take it regularly a week or two before my period starts, but like I said, I'm not all that good at keeping track. However, I do notice a difference in my mood when I do take it (and likewise, if I notice my mood going downhill, I start taking it).


Magnesium. I like the Natural Vitality Natural Calm.


And, when I'm having an urgently b*tchy moment, I take a heavy dose of Passionflower extract. It's not specific for hormonal issues, but I find it does take the edge off if I'm having a particularly difficult day. Again, I like the Herb Pharm brand (I've been in the natural foods industry for 11+ years, and this is a company I trust puts out quality stuff. No, I don't work for them! :tongue_smilie: But they are my go-to for herbals).

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okay, so I intentionally asterisked the name of the med, b/c as I was writing, I suddenly became protective of my personal, private, medical history. But at the same time I wanted to share my personal experience with the OP. However, when I wrote another word for 'crankiness' I was surprised that it bleeped itself! So, it made my word look dirty :).



Ahhh! Okay that makes more sense :laugh:

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I recently talked to my GYN about how the moods, and all other symptoms keep getting worse, as I get older.


He said there have been brain studies that show a woman's monthly withdrawal from Estrogen has the same physical effects as an addict's withdrawal symptoms from heroin! No wonder I act like an out of control, raging lunatic every month!


He too suggested Prozac, basically saying, if the withdrawal symptoms are really bad there is not much else that helps. However, I am going to try the Magnesium idea - anyone have a favorite brand?


About the "withdrawal" from Estrogen. The body replaces lost estrogen with adrenaline during menopause. That's really difficult to regulate.


I'm using klonopin to regulate the surge of adrenaline I have throughout the day. One every 8 hours.


This therapy works for me.


If I miss the dose - holy moley guacamole - ever'body run!


I literally run six flights of stairs until I exhaust it out of my body. That is wicked stuff. I feel like I could go out in the parking lot and turn over cars and toss them like toys. It is a really weird sensation when adrenaline dumps during an estrogen drop.


I use a estrogen patch now, and this is also helping tremendously.

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