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Difference in original FLL and the revised versions

Angel in FL

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I bought the original FLL way back when my dd was a baby. I was so excited to check it out since my guys were too old and it seemed like something I'd want to use one day. I'm getting ready to start but now see the revised versions where 1 and 2 are broken into two books.


Is that the only difference between them? There isn't any reason to buy the new versions, right? What about the audio companion? Is that nice to have?

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There is a youtube video out there where SWB says the only difference in the new version is that the copywork and narration is removed so that there is no overlap if you are also using the WWE series. We have the old one and use WWE so we just skip those parts. I don't see a need to buy the new one. We also have the audio companion but only because it was included in a listing, and we have never used it. We're doing fine without it.



Edited by MyLittleBears
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I spoke to a member of their booth staff at a major show and asked the same question. I was assured there was no need to buy the new material. It sounded as though they updated a few of the picture narrations, make it friendlier for boys, but that was about it.


That's what I was told.



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