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Would you buy your child a kindle or if they have one

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DS2 loves his Kindle.


We gave him a red lighted cover for it. Despite warnings about this, he left the cover off and misplaced the Kindle somewhere at home (I don't think it is here) or at the office.


Kindles are small and thin, and not easy to spot when misplaced. A bright colored cover will also help protect the screen. My cover is bright green, and it's a big help to be able to easily spot it when I scan a room to see where I've left it.

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I love my Kindle.


I would buy them one if they wanted one; however, none of them have asked for one yet. They really enjoy the act of going to the library and finding treasures (books).


Before buying a Kindle for a child, browse the Kindle Store on Amazon. Determine whether or not their favorite books are available on Kindle. If most are not, you may want to consider that when deciding whether or not to purchase one.

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My IL's are considering getting an Ereader for dd 8yo this Christmas. On the one hand, I think it sounds great because she LOVES reading and goes through a ton of books. Also, she's enjoying tackling some of the harder books with a dictionary at hand and I think it would be so much easier for her to be able to access the dictionary right on the device.


I'm not sure Kindle is right for us though, because in Canada we can't borrow library books to the Kindle and I certainly won't be buying her all kinds of books!

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My older DD has taken over my Kindle. She will be getting her own for Christmas. There are plenty of free books that she wants to read so I haven't purchased any for her yet. I agree with getting a bright colored cover for your Kindle. It makes it much easier to find.


My DD likes to take a lot of notes about the books she is reading on the Kindle. If this is something your DD would like, she might want to consider spending the extra $20 to get one with a touch screen or keyboard.



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