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Books about parenting gifted kids?

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I have been enjoying reading Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students. I'm not really sure how it would work for a stubborn child but the tips recommended in the book have been helpful with my overly emotional perfectionist preschooler.



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I have been enjoying reading Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students. I'm not really sure how it would work for a stubborn child but the tips recommended in the book have been helpful with my overly emotional perfectionist preschooler.




:iagree: This book was fantastic for me and really helped me work with my strong-willed DS. Definitely gave me some more tricks for my parenting "toolbox" and helped me see that what often looks like an immature tantrum is the result of a gifted mind frustrated with his surroundings. I gave additional copies of this book to his grandma and his K teacher, before I ultimately pulled him out for homeschooling. :001_smile:

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Our school district had James Delisle, the author of Parenting Gifted Kids, speak last night. I haven't read the book, but I had tears in my eyes for the entire two hours. He reminded me how difficult (intense) it can be to be gifted. My poor kids. So much weight on their shoulders at all times. Their ideas, passions and worries keep them up at night. Sigh.

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I know I've seen a few recommendations here. :bigear: If you've got any suggestions about strong-willed/stubborn ones, I'll take those too!



For the strong-willed part, I found James' Dobson's book very helpful, the older one on the strong-willed child. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_7?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=dobson+strong+willed+child&sprefix=Dobson


I also found http://www.amazon.com/How-Really-Love-Your-Child/dp/0781439124/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1321645848&sr=1-1 helpful.


I've read other things, but I didn't notice these in a quick scan, at least not 2 of them.

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I checked out about 10 books mentioned in this thread from the library. I am taking them on my vacation this week and will read, read, read. At first glance through a few titles, I am baffled because dd8 doesn't seem to fit so much of what I'm reading. Yet, she fits about 22/25 of Dr. Silverman's list here. No, we haven't tested. She baffles me in a delightful way. :)

We just know that life was in black & white before she came into our lives from China. Now life is technicolor.




ETA: This list is intriguing. I never knew allergies & asthma would have any connection/correlation to giftedness. Dd has trouble with both -- among other things on that list.

Edited by Beth in SW WA
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