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Rightstart B?


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FYI, some of the lessons in B will duplicate what you've already done in RSA. My notes say that after we've finished A and are moving on to B, we should do the following lessons (in B): 8, 9, 15, 16, 24-107. However, if we've taken a long break or need review, we'd just start at the beginning of B and move quickly through the earlier lessons.

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Thanks everyone. Very helpful!


My son turns 5 next month and won't officially be a Kindergartener until next fall so I plan to take RS B, and the rest of A, pretty slow so he doesn't hit a wall. So far he seems pretty math adept but I throw lots of Miquon and other math problems into the mix so we're not rushing through the curriculum.

Edited by RoundAbout
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My son went through at the pace prescribed until we got to mentally adding two digit numbers, and then again at adding four+digit numbers on paper. Those were all on worksheets, and I just only had him do half. We'd move on in the lessons, but finish the worksheet the next day. I also found that after learning a difficult concept like the ones I mentioned, he benefited enormously from taking a few days or even a week off of math. He never lost any ground doing that, and the break did him a world of good. My daughter is just getting into the trading with the base-10 cards, so it's hard to say yet if the same will be true for her. She's not as hard on herself and her brother is, though, so she might not have the same need for breaks that he did.

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