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If you were quite against sexy productions, and would rather have a root canal than sit in a room with your dh and children and watch... oh, practically anything that's offered on television nowadays, would you attend a fundraiser for a child you love but there were salsa dancers performing? I don't want to be there and all of a sudden assaulted by lack of clothing in costumes and suggestive movements. It really makes me fume. This kid is pretty special to us, but I'm really struggling about what to do. WWYD?

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You could make a donation and have something else to do that day


If I absolutely could. not. go. … I'd do this. [and I'd keep my opinions to myself about it]


It's very difficult for me to imagine being that 'against' salsa dancers that I'd have to do that though… they're dancers, not strippers. :p

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It's very difficult for me to imagine being that 'against' salsa dancers that I'd have to do that though… they're dancers, not strippers. :p





usually dancers are seen as displaying the beauty of the human form. I mean - ballet dancers wear next to nothing half the time (and the men can be downright tmi) but it so that their muscles and body movements can be seen well. I don't consider Renaissance nudes to be p@rn, nor do I see (real) dancing to be anything more than an art form. I suppose the definition of "real" dancing can be argued, but I think salsa fits.

Edited by SailorMom
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I mean - ballet dancers wear next to nothing half the time (and the men can be downright tmi)


Two years ago, dd14 and I went to a real ballet for the first time.. and omg :laugh:


It was a fabulous show and we'd totally go again if we ever have a chance…but I very nearly fell out of my chair. I'd never seen a male ballet dancer from just a few feet away. :w00t:

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