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Grading papers...

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What do ya'll do? I try to grade daily, but it doesn't seem to work well all the time. Then of course you know that means...a pile up of things to grade and then that's a big fat headache too.


I wish I could just hand the books over and tell the kids, "Here, grade the papers", but sometimes things are in a grey area...ugh.


I'm tempted to hire it out, :tongue_smilie:


Thank heavens the foreign languages are graded by someone else!

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What all do you grade?

My kids check their math work daily, with the help of the solution manual, and redo every problem they did not get correct. I do not give grades for daily work because I view it as a learning tool. I grade one cumulative exam per semester (on which the math grade is based)


In science and history and English, I do not give daily assignments that have to be graded. History is longer term projects or papers. English essays do not happen daily either. DD takes one science test per month, I do not give grades for homework. She checks the homework herself with the solution manual.


I do not see the necessity of coming up with gradeable assignments for each day.

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When I was teaching, a woman I considered a mentor told me that if you couldn't keep up with grading, then you were grading too much.


It served me well as a out-of-home :tongue_smilie: teacher and a homeschool teacher.


Makes sense! I'm caught up now and it should be much better. I'm going to have them do their math grading...History and Science will remain mine. The way answers can be worded vary so I will decide on those...

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Makes sense! I'm caught up now and it should be much better. I'm going to have them do their math grading...History and Science will remain mine. The way answers can be worded vary so I will decide on those...


That's a good plan.


I realized I made an typo and put "a" where I should have put "an." :tongue_smilie: Don't give me a bad grade!

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