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Word of thanks and encouragement for moms of wiggly/distracted kids


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First, I want to thank all the people whose words and ideas kept me going through the dark days of horrid standardized test scores. Through this forum, I kept the faith that studying would eventually outstrip "studying for the test".


And, for all your worried mum's of kids so wiggly and distracted when little they can barely sit through a standardized test, have courage. After 3 initial years of very substandard ITBS or CAT/5 scores, kiddo knocked the ball into the bleachers this year, with a 96%ile over all. We are still behind in a couple of fields, but a 60 point gain in %ile in one year is nothing to sneeze at. I *knew* this horse had stopped bucking and bolting, but I didn't know how well he'd settled into the horse-race. I consider us round the first turn and entering the backstretch now, and this jockey is happy she stuck with it, even after some sleepless nights of worrying.


(And while I am pleased, I do really post to give encouragement. There **is** a method to the madness of laying a solid foundation before starting your structure, even if those about you seem to be well up in the scaffolding while your cement is still drying. Goodness, what a pack of metaphors!)

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